Chapter 36

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• Kailia P.O.V •
I shoot up from the bed feeling a TERRIBLE pain shoot through my stomach and back (*Fuck*) I groan, I shake Jacob awake (*Why are you waking me up this early*) he groans with his words being muffled by the pillow. (*I'm in labor*) I said (*Oh that's good now let's go back to sleep*) he yawns falling back asleep (*DID YOU NIT HEAR ME I SAID IM IN LABOR*) I yell. He jumps up (*WHAT OH GOD ARE YOU OK*) he asks panicking (*Oh I'm fine other than a human being trying TO CRAWL HEAD FIRST OUT OF MY BODY*) I said. He gets dressed and grabs the diaper bag and car seat we had ready a while ago just in case something like this happened out of nowhere. (*Come in let's go, we gotta get you to the hospital*) he says helping me up. I groan in pain as I get up (*God can you stay still in there*) I said trying to put my shoes and jacket on (*nope that baby wants out now*) Jacob jokes. I look at him annoyed (*Oh really?? I didn't notice*) I said rolling my eyes. We get to the car and head to the hospital, I call everybody and tell them what's going on while we drive....well while Jacob drives.


We make it to the hospital and I feel like this baby is trying to rip my intestines apart (*She's ready to push doctor*) a nurse says (*Well that baby must be ready to come out, now miss didn't you say you woke up with sharp pains*) the doctor asks me. I nod in pain (*Ok, this baby is ready and it doesn't want to wait*) the doctor says putting her gloves on. Jacob grabs my hand (*Ok push for me*) she says. I push and let me tell you....IT FUCKING HURTS. (*Breathe.....ok...and...push*) nurses say (*You're doing great hun*) the nurse smiles. I cry out in pain making Jacob panic (*What!! what's wrong!! What happened*) he asked (*The babies head is close so it's more painful*) the doctor said to him. He sighs and kisses my forehead (*You're doing great baby*) he said (*Just keep pushing then we can meet our little girl*) he whispers. I nod with a smile (*Ok push*). I push and push and push....after a couple more pushes we hear crying (*Congratulations you two, here is your baby girl*) the doctor says laying her on my chest while they clean her off. (*Oh my god....hi honey*) I cry (*I-I'm your mommy*) I smile (*She's so beautiful*) Jacob cries. I look up at him and smile (*Thank you*) I say (*For what*) he asks still looking at our baby (*For her*) I say. He looks at me and smiled (*I should be the one thanking you*) he said giving me a quick kiss. (*Do you have a name for her*) a nurse asks (*Yes actually*) Jacob smiles (*Her name is...*)
Sooo I have three names I'm in love with and they are.


Comment on what name you think I should name the baby!!!!

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