Chapter 23.

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• Kailia P.O.V •
Blaine looked at me and smiled (*Sarah said she was pregnant with my baby.....and that baby was you*) he says quietly (*Wait so does that're Kailia's real dad*) Jacob asked. Blaine nodded and I smile and hug him (*I need to see your mother*) he says pulling away from the hug (*Ok come on*) I said as I grab Jacobs hand and we walk to my house. When we get there I see that my "dad" was gone (*Where is your dad*) Jacob asked (*Work I guess*) I say shrugging my shoulders. (*There you are*) Ava and the gang said running up to us (*Are you okay*) Emma asked hugging me (*Yeah I'm Fine*) I laugh (*Sup bro*) Noah and Alex say to Jacob. I open the door and walk Inside (*Mom*) I yell (*In the kitchen*) I hear. We walk in the kitchen and see her cooking (*We're having chi—Blaine*) she said (*Sarah*) he said hugging her (*What are you doing here*) she asked smiling (*Well our daughter brought me here*) he says looking at me (*How...How did you find out*) she asked me (*Blaine showed me a picture of his wife and I realized it was you*) I smile (*Does she know I'm—Yeah she knows*) he cut her off (*Listen honey I know this is weird but—She's a vampire*> Blaine said cutting her off. She looks at me in shock as I smile (*Really*) she asks (*It happened in Philly*) I said (*What happened*) she asked (*Its a loooong story*) I said laughing. Blaine looked at my mom and she kissed him (*Ewww*) I say making them look at me (*Kailia be quiet you kiss Jacob all the time in front of me*) she said. I look at Jacob and he smiles and wraps his arm around me (*Sorry, get a room because you're my mother.....and I don't want to watch you two make out*) I laugh grabbing a glass out of the cabinet so I get some water. I take a drink of my water when we all hear the door open (*Blaine what are you doing here*) my so I thought 'dad' said (*Danny*) Blaine says (*Why the hell are you here*) Danny said as his eyes go to this weird green and red color (*Im here to see my wife and my daughter that you took away from me*) Blaine growls (*How did you find them*) he asks (*MY daughter brought me to her*) he said. I can hear the anger in Blaine's voice (*You little—YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER*) Blaine yells (*Oh are you gonna protect her*) Danny laughs (*She doesn't need my protection...she can protect herself but if you hurt her you're a dead man*) he growls. Danny looked at me then my mom (*Stay away from my mother*) I said stepping in front of Blaine (*Oh ok I'll hurt your boyfriend and your friends then I'll hurt your mom*) he smirks (*You touch them I'll kill you*) I growl (*I don't think so sweetheart*) he says pushing me so my back hits the wall. I feel anger boil up inside me (*You're gonna regret that*) I say with a deep voice. I get up as he punches me (*You son of a bitch*) Jacob said tackling Danny as they start fighting.
• Jacob P.O.V •
I'm punching him over and over when the guys pull me back and Blaine starts fighting him. I look to see if Kailia is okay but she's gone (*Where is she*) I said to her mom (*I don't know*) she said as we start to look around. We walk outside to see if she was there but she wasn't, we heard a loud bang come from inside so we run back in to see Blaine on the ground passed out (*Blaine*) Sarah said kneeling down to him (*Im gonna kill ALL of you*) he said. I was about to fight him again when I see Kailia behind him with blood all over her

 I was about to fight him again when I see Kailia behind him with blood all over her

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She jumps on his back and bites his neck (*AHHH YOU LITTLE BITCH*) he yells. She jumped off his back and tackled him to the ground, she got on top of him and started to strangle him. He was hitting her so he could breath but she wouldn't move (*Kailia Don't*) her mother said but Kailia didn't listen. I look and see he stopped moving (*He's dead Kailia*) I say (*No he's not. He wants me to think he is*) she said. She grabs her glass of the counter and throws it on the ground to it shatters. She grabs a sharp piece of glass and cuts his neck straight across. I sigh as she gets off him and looks at me and says (*Lets eat*) I laugh as she grabs a plate (*Blaine*) she said kicking him making him wake up (*Come on my moms food is gonna Get could*) she smiled. We all laugh because she just killed someone and she's worried about food. I walk up and hug her (*I love you*) I said (*I love you too*) she smiles. I kiss her and I feel her hand go down to my boner that she gave me (*Meet me upstairs after we eat*) she whispered. I smirk as she walks away leaving me standing there awkwardly. This girl is something else ...but I love her.
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