Chapter 17.

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• Kailia P.O.V • 
We walk through the woods getting back to our camp. Once we get there we see jazzy's brother Malachi arguing with our leaders son Cole (*Stop that's enough you two are acting like three year olds*) I said pulling them apart (*You back off you have nothing to do with this*) Cole growled (*You back off or I'll do to you what I did to your brother*) I said grabbing his arm. He backed off and left to wherever he goes when he's mad (*Why is he mad at you know*) I ask Malachi (*He saw me with Amber*) he said (*WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU WITH AMBER*) I yell (*She wanted to talk*) he said looking down (*She wanted to talk*) I say mocking (*the last time she 'wanted to talk' she tried killing you to get your stone*) I tell him. He just looked at the floor (*Malachi you know I love you but...that stone is what gives you your power*) I tell him (*We all have one Malachi...that's why we don't let anyone get to it*) Jazzy says pulling him into a hug. (*And that's why we have no emotional contact with humans. Am I correct*) our leader Blaine says (*Yes sir*) everyone here says (*Stay away from Amber she's bad for you*) Blaine says (*Yes sir*) Malachi sighs. I feel bad for him but Amber is no good like Blaine said (*God red eye scares me*) Collin said (*Who...oh Blaine*) I say (*Yeah you call him Blaine but we're supposed to call him red eye, that's his name*) they tell me (*Yeah but he Real name is Blaine*) I said. They roll their eyes at me and we go back to my house (*THERE THEY ARE*) Emma yelled running over to us (*What's wrong*) I ask (*I was worried...we all were*) she said (*We're Fine just a argument we had to sort out*) I say walking over to Jacob (*Ok thank god you're okay*) he said picking me up (*Someones happy to see me*) I giggle (*I was worried*) he said putting me down (*I told you I was gonna be fine*) I smile kissing his cheek (*Really...did you really just kiss my cheek and not my lips*) he said. I laugh and peck his lips (*Thank you*) he said (*No problem*) I giggle. We all walk inside to see my mom attempting to cook dinner (*Hey kids*) she smiles (*Hi mom*) I say walking over to her (*Are you guys staying the night*) she asked (*Yes*) Jacob says (*okay well I'm making dinner right now*) she said (*No shit mom*) I laugh (*KAILIA GRACE WALKER. Don't you ever say that again*) she yells (*Oh she used your full name girl you better watch out*) Ava says making me laugh (*Mom you cuss all the time*) I said (*Oh Then I guess you can curse*) she jokes. I roll my eyes and we all go downstairs to the basement to watch a movie.

(Your basement up top)

(*Woah it's like another house down here*) Alex says making everyone laugh. Collin Zach and jazzy look at me (*It's down here isn't it*) they say at the same time (*yeah why*) I ask them (*We can feel it*) Jazzy said looking around. (*What are you guys talking about*) Noah said (*Her stone*) Jazzy says in a 'duh' way (*Her what*) everyone says (*Do you have kidney stones*) hunter asked. I sigh and look to the floor (*Oh does your stomach hurt or something*) hunter says (*I DONT HAVE KIDNEY STONES....god you're stupid*) I yell (*Well I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about because I don't drink human blood*) he said (*Oh you motherfucker*) I growl walking towards him. Jacob grabs me and wraps me in a hug (*What are you doing*) I ask (*You can't escape the power of my hugs*) he said. I get on my knees and crawl away from him (*Umm o-ok maybe you can*) he sighed. I laugh and shake my head (*What stone are you talking about*) Emma asked us. We loook at each other and don't say a word (*Show them*) Collin says. I nod and walk into one of the rooms in our basement. I grab the a box that has what we're talking about in it.

(*Oh hell to the no*) mark says (*Is that a bible*) Emma asks (*No it's something else*) Zach says (*This still doesn't explain the stone*) hunter says (*Fine you want to see the stone

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(*Oh hell to the no*) mark says (*Is that a bible*) Emma asks (*No it's something else*) Zach says (*This still doesn't explain the stone*) hunter says (*Fine you want to see the stone....I'll show you the stone*) I said. I grab out the stone and show it to them

(*Why is there 8*) Ava asks (*Because we each get two*) Jazzy says (*Which one is yours*) Jacob asked me (*The Black one and the light pink one*) I said picking them up

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(*Why is there 8*) Ava asks (*Because we each get two*) Jazzy says (*Which one is yours*) Jacob asked me (*The Black one and the light pink one*) I said picking them up. (*I have the two purple ones Zach has the two green ones and Collin has the two blue ones*) Jazzy says (*Why does Kailia have them*) Joey asked (*Because we leave it with the book and the one who has the book...well she should tell you no me*) Zach said. (*What happens if you put them on*) hunter asked walking closer to me (*Let's just say if one of us was to put them on this house would be destroyed*) Collin chuckled. I look at Jacob who was smiling at me (*There isn't a love spell on Kailia's if you're wondering Jacob*) Zach said (*I don't need a love spell to fall in love with her*) he smiled. I get up and hug him (*AWWW*) Emma Ava and hunter say (*Oh that doesn't explain the mark on your arm Kailia*) mark said. My eyes widened as I look over at jazzy Collin and Zach who were as shocked as me (*What is it*) Jacob asked me (*Umm it's a...*).
Ohhh cliffhanger 🤷‍♀️🤣

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