Chapter 14.

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' We run down to the bottom to see'
• Jacob P.O.V •
We see Kailia struggling to breathe under the water. I jump in without hesitating and grab her out of the water (*she's not gonna wake up*) that stupid girl who made this happen said (*She has water in her lungs Jacob. Give her CPR*) Emma cried. I give her mouth to mouth but she's not waking up (*Come on Kailia I need you come on*) I say giving her CPR. The girl started laughing (*your to late Jacob she's dead*) she giggled (*SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH*) I scream at her. Kailia shot up coughing up water (*No I told you to die you bitch*) she said walking over to Kailia (*BACK OFF*) Kailia yelled (*no we made a deal*) she said (*Well I'm calling off the deal*) Kailia said getting up. I grab her arm (*be careful*) I say (*why do you care*) she said looking in my eyes, I feel awful for not believing her (*Go away now*) Kailia said to her (*NO IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE*) she yelled tackling Kailia to the ground. Kailia's eyes went to the weird white color I saw before (*TIME TO GO BACK TO HELL BITCH*) Kailia said as she started to strangle her. She was fighting to breathe but Kailia wouldn't stop (*KAILIA STOP*) Emma yelled (*SHUT UP*) she said with her voice sounding really deep and scary. That girl finally stopped struggling and Kailia got up and looked at us (*Leave*) she whispered (*no Kailia come with us*) Ava said walking up to her (*I SAID LEAVE*) she yelled. The wind got harder when she yelled (*leave now*) she growled (*Kailia this isn't you*) I tell her. She looks at me and starts growing like an animal (*You don't know me anymore. None of you do*) she said to us. We grab her hands (*please come with me I need you*) I beg, her went from creepy to calming (*go before you get hurt*) she whispered (*no I know you won't hurt us*) I say (*It's not need to worry about*) she said (*if we leave will we see you tomorrow*) I ask (*yes now go*) she told us. We nod and leave (*What happened to her*) Emma said looking back to see she wasn't there anymore (*where did she go*) Ava said looking around (*I don't know let's just go. I think we'll see her tomorrow*) I say as we start to walk home. I need to find out what happened to her, she's not the Kailia I know.
• Kailia P.O.V •
I run off when they turn around because I need to get to my group. I ran as fast as I could because I have super speed...that's a so called bonus to being a vampire. I got to the middle of the woods where all the vampires are (*Kailia are you okay we heard you yelling*) jasmine my best vampire friend here (*yeah I'm fine jazz, just had a little disagreement with grace*) I said walking over to the medical tent (*why are you going to the medical tent*) she asked (*I need to talk to Collin*) I said walking inside. I see my good friend Collin helping out an injured vampire (*Well I see you're not dead Zach*) I giggle (*yeah really dangerous stuff I did*) he said (*He cut his hand trying to open a pickle jar*) Collin said (*How the fuck do you cut your hand opening a pickle jar*) I giggle (*I'm good at hurting myself*) he sighed (*Vampire's can heal themselves you know*) I say showing him the cuts on my arm (*WHY DID YOU DO THAT*) jazzy yelled (*I was upset and I thought dying would help me*) I sigh (*You're can't die Kailia...remember*) Collin chuckled. I roll my eyes and start talking to him about something that's been going on with our group (you'll know about that later)

(Let's Skip to the next day)

I stayed at the camp so I woke up in the middle of the woods. (*Get up its time for school*) Collin said picking me up (*What we don't go to school...well you guys don't*) I say (*well we are going because we're transfer students*) he chuckled. I groan and run home to get ready, my mom thought I was here all night so yeah she asked if I slept well and if I was hungry but I'm not I need something else that I call food.

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