Do You Remember?

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Do you remember when we bumped into each other in the school halls?

You mumbled to your self of my stupidity,

but the fool was you, said reality.

Do you remember when we ended up in Physics together?

You were upset to have a partner like me,

yet we got the best mark and your face lighted up with glee.

Do you remember when you shyly thanked me after school?

Your face was tomato red as you talked,

"Thanks, Einstein," was what you said before you turned around and walked.

Do you remember when you obliviously made me laugh?

My sadness faded away in deface,

thanks to you I had the biggest smile on my face.

Do you remember when you stood up for me?

You told off Stacey in front of everyone,

you made me feel like I'm your loved one.

Do you remember when we got stuck in the elevator?

It felt so fine,

every time your comforting eyes would glance into mine.

Do you remember when you spotted me running into the bathroom that horrible day?

You chased after me just to see if I was alright,

and for the first time in my life, there was some light.

Do you remember that grateful day we became friends?

I was a broken girl who didn't deserve to belong,

but as soon as your beautiful brown eyes met mine, you made me feel livelong.

Do you remember when our hands brushed together in the library?

You muttered a "Sorry," under your breath whilst immediately moving your hand aside,

I felt an aching sensation in my heart; "Touch me again" it cried.

Do you remember when you gave me a nickname?

Inside my stomach, hundreds of butterflies were set free,

when you said "Angel" to me.

Do you remember when you embraced me in a hug after I won a math award?

I felt at home the moment your muscular arms wrapped around my body;

I could hear my heart say, "Finally".

Do you remember when I made another friend?

Day by day we drifted apart,

you would always ask, "Why did you choose him from the start?"

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