Man Without a Face

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**The following fictional poem may trigger you as it revolves around a real life, intimate topic of sexual assault. Read at your own risk.**


Suppressing the pain

Carrying a smile

All I can feel is his touch

Ripping through me

Seedy black eyes

Tormenting me for time

Oval face engraved in my mind

Red spitting out of me

Terrifying grins

Uppity demeanour

Rigid gaze

Everlasting torture

Perhaps I will

Always feel him

Injecting me; the pain

Never goes away

Breaking my soul

Running over my heart

Ominous was he

Kill me; I wanted it to stop

Eyes filled with water

Naked were my mind, body, and soul.

"Don't scream!"

A man without a face

Roared at me like a lion

Kissing me everywhere

"No!" I cried; he ignored

Emptiness echoed with every thrust

Seven-year-old me felt

Stained in my own skin

Him; I never saw him but

I know who hurt me; the

Man without a face.

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