The Pandemic

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A new fear,
an evil presence
has finally awoken.
An invisible enemy
casts a dark shadow
over the world,
spreading itself like
butter on bread.

What an
eerie presence it is,
slipping and running
through our bodies like
coursing through
our veins.

Our enemy
calmly sits back,
the empty streets,
taking the fear in
of those standing in
the front line troops
as they work hard
every hour,
every minute
of the day
to fight the enemy
they cannot see.

As we lock ourselves home,
as we cover our hands
with water and bars of
sodium salts,
our hearts pound heavily
against our chests
as we fear of being
followed by the
invisible enemy.

This time,
our lives are in
each other's hands.
So let's reach out,
let's connect
through virtual screens,
through words,
with our hearts.

Let's fight
what we cannot see.
Let's spread
love without a touch.
Let's make
a promise of love.
Let's come together
and defeat the
evil presence.

for however long
it may take,
let's promise that
in the good and bad,
in happiness and sorrow,
in sickness and health,
till death interferes,
we shall fight.

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