My Mother

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A pure word we use to describe the woman who nourished us with her love and affection.

But to me, this simple word holds an enchanting devotion.

My mom.

The woman who feels the sting of agony when I get harmed;

the woman who holds my tears in her eyes;

the woman who's done so much without asking for anything return;

the woman whose words go unspoken;

the woman who solely yearns a simple "Thank You;"

the woman who breathed life into me for nine months;

the woman who's given me
so much of herself and still has more to provide;

the woman who's as beautiful as a rose;

the woman so innocent and cute like Tom & Jerry;

the woman who knows me more than myself;

the woman who tolerated my wrongs and rights;

the woman who goes through so much trouble and stress because of me;

the woman who's love defies all odds;

the woman who's stronger than tough;

the woman who's God himself;

the woman who I proudly call my mother.


I hope you liked this beautiful poem! I'm so sorry I took a whole century to post a new poem for you all. I couldn't think of anything, and I had my other books to work on, school, life, and blah blah blah.

I started writing this poem around May, and it was supposed to be out by Mother's Day, but I couldn't do that because...I don't remember but I think I was lazy or had writers block like I usually have (hehe).

BUT I finally finished this poem about my mom and it's up for your enjoyment!

Make sure to hit that start button if you like this poem and comment what you think! Until...a century later!

In Dolan Twins' voice: PEACEEE

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