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I'm trying.

They think you're lying.

I'm doing whatever I can to make them proud.

But to them, you plowed.

I'm trying to make things right.

They only see a different sight.

I 'm completely okay.

That's what they all say.

They'll like me.

How stupid can you be?

I told you, I'm strong.

You couldn't have been more wrong.

I'm happy, I swear.

That's just a face you wear.

I stopped crying.

But on the inside, you're dying.

I'm not done trying.

Oh please, stop lying.

I'm better than this.

Since when sis?

I'm enough.

Quit trying to be so tough.

Go away!

But I'm here to stay.

You can't do anything to me.

As long as I'm here, you'll never be free.

Will you ever be done?

You're not alone,

so let me be known.

I want you to stop.

It is them, who always will be on top.

Cut it out.

You have nothing to be special about.

I don't care.

I'm your air.

You don't matter.

I can make you shatter.

You are like a demon.

Oh, honey, they call me anxiety for a reason,

for your bedtime is my shining season.

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