The Raven Queen

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Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be free.

Will there ever be a day like this for me?

There is this unpretentious, dark, magical frame;

sometimes I hear her calling out my name.

Other times I get so close to touching her,

but she vanishes away and everything is a blur.

They have what's supposed to be mine.

By taking it away from me, they crossed the line.

By pretending everything is okay,

I go through the day.

I sometimes sit down and cry

and ask myself: "Why?"

I worry if this will ever end;

there are these emotions I can never comprehend.

I say that one day, I'll be out of here,

because now, everything seems crystal clear.

This can be dangerous, I know.

But, I need to go.

I don't like going away from my only blood,

but then I remember; I was never loved.

I will show them who I am.

What will they think? I don't give a damn.

I vision myself over everyone, ruling over what's mine.

One day, I know I'll shine.

I want to be the one they fear;

the one they run away from when I'm near.

I will paint my dreams

with ashes of those who burn around me as they scream.

I will be the devious beauty who will hold her pain

like diamonds around her neck in vain.

I will be the evil spirit with fire in her veins

and shields within her skin in strains.

I am that charming princess who was never saved;

the sorrow, the agony always waved.

I will create my entity of anguish;

nobody will stop me for I can vanquish.

One day I will be seen

as The Raven Queen.

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