Everything's Changing

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Once it was late enough, we headed to the kitchen to start making the cookies. We were amazed by all the food that was there. I'm surprised we didn't spend time eating. We gathered the ingredients and mixed them together. We needed one more ingredient. "All right," Mal said. "It says hear that we need one tear, and I never cry."

"Let's chop up some onions," Carlos mentioned, picking up an onion from right next to him.

"No," I told him. "It says we need one tear of human sadness. This love potion gets the best reviews, so we have to follow it exactly."

"A tear's a tear," Jay complained.

"That's not true Jay," Evie started. "They both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear."

"Listen to you," Mal said.

"Yeah, I knew that," Jay said.

"Did not," Carlos teased.

"Yeah, I did."

"There you are, Mal. I was looking for you. You know, all the girls want you to do their hair!" Lonnie said as she entered the kitchen. We took a cloth and covered the spell book, so she wouldn't see it. We tried to look as normal as possible. "Midnight snack, huh?" Lonnie said seeing the bowl of cookie batter. "What are you guys making?"

"Oh nothing special. Just cookies," I replied. Suddenly, Lonnie dipped her finger in the batter and licked it.

"Oh no, no! Wait!" we all yelled.

"What? I'm not gonna double dip," Lonnie said.

"Feel anything?" Evie asked to see if Lonnie was affected.

"Yeah, like maybe it might be missing something?" Mal added.

Jay walked flirtatiously over to Lonnie. He leaned against a pole. "Hey there," he said in a flirty way.

Lonnie stood there awkwardly. "Could use some chips," she responded to Mal's questioned.

"Chips?" Jay said, being confused.

"And those are?" Mal asked while mixing.

"Chocolate chips," Lonnie said, getting a bowl of some from the fridge. "Just the most important food group. Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys, like, chocolate chip cookies?" she asked while putting them in the bowl. We all watched intently. None of us have even heard of chocolate chips; what makes you think we've tried them? We all looked at Lonnie in confusion. "Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big, old glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective." We still looked at Lonnie with confusion, except this time, a little more sad. "Why are you all looking at me like that."

"It's just different from where we're from," Mal said.

"Yeah, I know," Lonnie continued. "I just thought, you know, even villains love their kids." We all looked at each other then down. It was then we realized just how much our parents didn't actually love us. We were all just products of their moments of weakness. I almost felt like crying. Evie rubbed my shoulders, telling me everything would be alright. Lonnie noticed the shift in our emotions. "Oh," she began. "How awful," she said, grabbing Mal's hand. It was then we noticed a tear fall from Lonnie's face.

"Yeah, well, big bummer," Mal said, wiping Lonnie's tear and throwing it in the batter. Her emotion completely changed. "But we have to get these into the oven, so thank you so much for coming by. Really, really have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Evil dreams," Mal said, rushing Lonnie out.

"Good night," Lonnie said before exiting.

"See you tomorrow!" Mal said with a peppy voice. "Okay, boys, cookie sheet. Evie, oven. Heather, batter."

"Yes ma'am," we all replied. This plan has to work. We have to get the wand. Everything seems like it's changing. Maybe then our parents would finally be proud of us.

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