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For Cotillion, Evie made me a red dress that flowed just above my knees. A bunch of people had long dresses, but I preferred a shorter looked. At the waist, there was a black sash with a red heart on it. I also wore black fingerless gloves and gold heels. My hair was down and curled. I also wore the necklace Dizzy gave me. Evie did my makeup before Doug came and picked her up.

There was a knock on the door, and I answered it to reveal Aziz. "Wow," he said looking at me.

"Do you like it?" I asked

"Like it? I love it. You look beautiful."

"Thanks," I said before closing the door behind me.

Once we got to the boat where Cotillion was being held, we headed straight to the dance floor. I never knew Aziz was such a good dancer. I was a little awkward, but he helped me overcome that.

Suddenly, the royal guards blew their trumpets, and Lumiere was ready to announce. We knew he was announcing Mal, so all of us rushed to the front. "The future Lady Mal!" Lumiere announced. Mal came out in the yellow and blue dress Evie had designed for her. She looked nervous, so we cheered for her.

After talking with Belle and Beast, Mal joined us. "How are you?" Evie asked.

"Uh, sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up," Mal replied.

"Yeah? Okay. It's okay," Evie assured her. "Look, we're right here with you, okay?"


"King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced, and Ben walked out. We all cheered for the young king.

"Go get him," Evie whispered to Mal.

However, there was something up with Ben. "Mal, I wished I had time to explain..."

Suddenly, Uma, of all people, walked out. She was in a teal dress made from fishnets. "What's she doing here?" I asked myself.

Everyone was shocked to see the daughter of Ursula. Uma approached Ben, and he kissed her hand. They both then approached Mal. "It all happened so fast," Ben explained. "Something happened to me on the Isle with Uma. A connection."

"What are you saying?" Mal asked as she was about to cry.

"I'm saying-"

"It was love," Uma said. "It was, I just-I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

"We are," Ben laughed.

"I know."

"You are so beautiful."

"Ben," Mal said trying to get his attention. "Ben! Did you back for her?"

'He didn't have to," Uma said. "I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer."

"You are," Ben said.

"Thank you," Uma said before turning to Mal. "Listen Mal, I just want to thank you, I do, for everything. Thank you. Thank you so much," she said as she hugged Mal. Mal was still in shock.

"Don't you see, Mal?" Ben added. "You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me you loved me." When Ben said that, Mal's heart shattered. The music began playing, and Ben and Uma began dancing together.

"Come on," Evie said pulling Mal to the group. We all surrounded her to comfort her.

"No too thrilled I risked my life for him," Carlos said.

"Yeah, no kidding," I added

Lonnie came up behind us. "We're with you Mal," Lonnie said.

Jay then came up behind us us well. "Let's get out of here," he whispered.

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