Prologue part 1: The Changeling Massacre

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-The Surface, 222 years ago-

Near the end of the human-monster war, the monster king Asgore Dreemurr, had convened with the twin mages, Determination and Bravery, who had practically begged him for aid against the Changelings. A race of monsters that held the physicality of humans, and the magic of monsters. "And, in return?" A monster clad in black armor asked, Asgore looked at the armored monster, for this monster was Asgore's Captain of the Royal Guard. "We can only promise that your kingdom in the Underground be left in peace..." Determination said sadly, "You seem...troubled and upset, that monsterkind is stuck in the Underground." The armored monster observed, "We'll handle the Changelings." Asgore said, "You must focus on saving as many human lives as possible." "You two, go with the humans to help!" The armored monster ordered, two Dogs, clad in black armor barked 'yes sir.' And traveled with the sibling mages. After they were out of earshot, the armored monster turned to Asgore. "I don't trust the sister..." he said, "Something about her gives me a bad vibe..." "Your suspision is noted, Kurse." Asgore replied, the armored monster, or Kurse sighed. "This must be hard for you, my friend..." Asgore said, "No..." Kurse replied with certainty, "They made their choice, just as I made mine. When they come...I'll kill them all myself." "Careful, Kurse." Asgore warned jokingly, "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you've 'Changelinged'" Kurse rolled his eyes under his helmet. "Hardy har, Fluffybuns..." Kurse said in mock anger, suddenly they heard marching. "They're here..." Kurse said, he then went to meet the entire Changeling race himself. Drawing God Slayer (Which looks like the Gravelord Sword from Dark Souls.) And meeting the army. "Bring it on..." Kurse said calmly, and without warning charged. The other Changelings were taken by surprise and in an instant twenty of their number were cut down. The rest shook themselves out of their stunned stupor and tried to cut the single foe down. But despite wearing seemingly heavy armor, Kurse was far too fast for the Changelings to hit. "Let's go!" He yelled as he cut more Changelings down. Summoning a Dark Saber, he used it to cut through more much faster. "Kill him! He's just one soldier!" One of the Changelings shouted before being decapitated by Kurse, Kurse continued to speed through the rapidly diminishing army, killing multiple Changelings at a time. After an hour of doing this, one Changeling got lucky and slammed his warhammer into Kurse's face, shattering a bit of his helmet. Kurse's exposed red eye glared at his assailant, who flinched back, but his arm was grabbed by a very pissed Kurse, who slammed the Changeling into God Slayer which was impaled hilt-first into the ground like a spike. Kurse then threw off his broken helmet revealing his angry expression. "Care to try again!?" He challenged, the entire remaining Changeling force charged at him, but Kurse spread his wings and took to the air. Summoning Ragnarok. "Die, maggots!" Kurse growled, he then fired Ragnarok which decimated the remaining Changelings. When Ragnarok ceased firing all that was left of the Changeling army and race, was dust and Shattered Souls...however, one of the attacking Changelings survived. "KURSE!" He shouted, Kurse turned around and stared emotionlessly at the survivor. "Why do you kill your own!?" "The Changelings had their chance..." Kurse said, "And you wasted it. I warned you cousin, but you REFUSED to listen to reason. This is your doing...not mine." The Changeling snarled. "Asgore would throw away everything we've done! This war was about to be over! Monsters would've won!" "Asgore knows when he's beat, and we lost a century ago." Kurse countered, "This is your last chance Nox, drop your sword and surrender...or I'll be your judge, jury and executioner." Nox attacked Kurse who summoned a Black Shield, stopping the attack. "NEVER! I REFUSE TO SURRENDER TO HUMANITY!" He screamed, "Then you have doomed yourself!" Kurse shouted, forcing Nox back. "I'm going to end this stupid war, once and for all! Prepare yourself Nox."

And that's that. As always comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve, part two of this prologue will be out soon!

(Many of these outro songs will be used in the next chapter, and some will be used more than once.)

Undertale: the last Changeling: Book 2: The Surface ArcWhere stories live. Discover now