Chapter two: Rising Nightmare

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-Core expansion facility, New Snowdin-

Kurse had left for work early as usual, when he arrived with Alphys he took off his trench coat and put on his lab coat. "Hey, Alph." Kurse said, "Did you see the stars last night?" Alphys stopped and smiled. "Yeah, me and Undyne saw them." She answered, "They were beautiful." Kurse chuckled. Before getting to work on the new Core. "So...where's Sans?" Alphys asked, Kurse held up three fingers. "Three, two, one." Was all he said, as Sans materialized in front of Alphys, scaring the lizard nearly out of her scales. "oops." Sans said, "sorry alph." "Late again, Sans." Kurse said, "Let me guess, you watched a scary movie with Auriel again?" Sans' expression changed from smug to serious. "no, actually." He answered, Kurse noted the seriousness in Sans' voice, and turned to face him. "What then?" He asked, "auriel had a nightmare, about...well, you know." Sans answered, Kurse sighed knowing what the skeleton meant. "Thanks for conforting her." He said, Sans just smiled. "no problem, kurse." He replied, Sans then put on his own lab coat. "so, let's get to work." Kurse chuckled before nodding.

-A few hours later-

Kurse got a surprise visit from Frisk and Toriel. 'Dad!' Frisk signed happily, "Hey kiddo! How was your day?" Kurse asked chuckling, 'It was great, we made masks during arts and crafts!' Frisk signed, 'Take a look!' They pulled out a mask that was made from a paper plate. 'I'm a Froggit!' Frisk signed, Kurse laughed, proud of Frisk. "Indeed you are." He said, he then hugged Toriel before the two kissed each other. "So how was your day, Tori?" Kurse asked, "A bit more hectic than normal, but it was great." Toriel answered, "By the way, Frisk wanted you to meet their new friend." "Oh?" Kurse asked jokingly, "So kiddo, 'wood' you please introduce your new friend?" Sans, Frisk and Alphys laughed at the bad pun, while Toriel giggled. "It is alright, my husband isn't as mean as he looks." She said to someone behind her, Betty approached Kurse timidly. "H-hello, Dr. Kurse." She said, "Please, it's just Kurse." Kurse said politely, "What's your name kid?" Betty noticed how nice Kurse was and started feeling a bit more comfortable. "Betty." She said, "Nice to 'meat' you, Betty." Kurse joked, Betty giggled at his pun. "Oh!" She said, "I'd. Like you to meet Kumu." Kumu looked at Kurse and extended a tendril as a shake hand gesture. "Hello, Kumu." Kurse said shaking the tendril. (Something about this girl, doesn't feel right...) he thought, "So Betty, just outta curiousity, you go to the same school as Frisk and Toriel right?" "Yes, that's right." Betty said, "But..." Kurse gave her a reassuring look. "C'mon, you can tell me." He said, "Well, I know that Frisk is the only person in that school with a red Soul." Betty than put her hands in a heart shape, and a pink Soul appeared. "And I'm the only one with a pink Soul." She said, Kurse's eyes were wide. He had seen that color of Soul once before. (A FEAR Soul!) He thought, his body wanted to kill Betty here and now. But his mind was telling him to give the girl a chance. "You have a very powerful Soul, Betty." He said, "But be sure to not let your Fear, control you." Betty seemed to understand what Kurse was saying. "I have a Fear Soul...b-but I promise, I'm really glad to meet monsterkind! Miss Toriel has always been so kind to me, and Frisk has been a very good friend to me as well." Kurse chuckled. "You sound just like Frisk from two years ago." He said, "It's good to know you enjoy my family's company. I can sense that your Soul is comfortable around Frisk's Soul, that and...I know you're telling the truth right now." Betty beamed at Kurse who smiled back, suddenly he gasped as he sensed something. "Tori, get these two to the house, we're not alone in here." He said suddenly very serious, Toriel nodded, grabbing Frisk and Betty by the hand and running to the entrance. "Alphys, get Undyne." Kurse ordered, "R-right!" Alphys stuttered, "Sans, go with her, then get back here with Auriel." Kurse said to Sans who just nodded, suddenly a black Amalgamate appeared in front of Kurse. Who summoned Blood Spears. "Go!" He shouted behind him, "alphys, grab on!" Sans yelled, Alphys grabbed Sans' hand and the two vanished. "You're a big one aren't you?" Kurse said to the Amalgamate, it only growled. "Don't talk much do ya?" Kurse then threw the Blood Spear in his hand, followed by the other 2,000, the Spears hit the Amalgamate in the chest. But seemed to only make it angrier. "Welp, looks like that just pissed it off!" He said to himself, suddenly he screamed as black lines found their way across his face. "Kurse...give in to your Hatred." A voice said, Kurse shook his head to regain control of himself. "No..." he said, "I won't!" He then summoned three Gaster Blasters. His eyes had changed from their normal deep crimson to vantablack. This change was shown on his Gaster Blasters as well. Kurse roared as his Blasters fired, their beam the same color of their eyes. The Amalgamate was sent flying back. But recovered far to quick to be normal. Kurse' eyes changed back to deep crimson. As he started sensing more Amalgamates coming from this large one. Suddenly this thing's Soul if you want to call it that became all to familiar to him. "You're Changelings!" He snarled, he then summoned God Slayer to his hand, and cut a good few of the Changeling Amalgamates down. He then summoned all the Gaster Blasters he could and fired them all. Their red beams incinerated the creatures, until only the large one remained. It let out a distorted roar and tried to devour Kurse. But in a split second it was cut in half. Turning to dust. In New Snowdin, gun shots rang out, as Auriel was firing Thorn at the Amalgamates that had slipped past her brother. Granted there wern't very many, Undyne was killing some of her own as well. But after a good two hours, the town was safe. "What were those Amalgamates?" Undyne asked, 'No clue.' Auriel signed, 'I'm sure Kurse knows. You could feel the sudden surge of Dark Magic from the facility.' Undyne shuttered. " mentor can be one scary son of a bitch sometimes." She said, Auriel nodded in agreement, as they headed to the facility to find out what Kurse had found out.

-New Hotland, Alphys and Undyne's home/lab-

"We should be safe here for now." Toriel said, Frisk and Betty sighed with relief. 'Is dad going to be okay, mom?' Frisk signed, they were worried and rightly so. "Do not despair, my child." Toriel said, "Your father is a strong warrior, and a compassionate person. I'm sure he is alright." "You put to much faith in Kurse, monster." A distorted voice said, Toriel turned around to see to her surprise and horror. Another Changeling. "Who are you?" She asked trying to stay calm, "Why should I tell you my name, when you'll be dead soon anyway?" The Changeling said haughtily, this earned him a Fireball to the face. Causing him to scream a bit out of surprise as well as pain. "Do not underestimate me." Toriel said determination in her voice, "Frisk, go fetch Auriel! Betty, go with them!" 'Mom...please be careful.' Frisk signed, Frisk and Betty then ran back to New Snowdin. "Tell me...what's it like to know that you'll be dead so soon?" The creature asked evilly, "A Changeling's weakness when a monster fights them is magic." Toriel recited, "That is what Kurse told me. He also taught me some new spells. I know not why you want to kill my husband. But I will not allow you to do that!" With that, the fight was on.

Here's another cliffhanger fresh out of the oven. As always, comment, rate and leave advice so I can improve, next time, Toriel takes on the black Changeling!


(So it occurred to me that I haven't thought of a good song for Auriel until now, so here it is.)

(Changeling classifications: Earth Changelings are strong, tough and incredibly hardy. However they're quick to taking harsh actions and can be easily tricked due to their weak mentality, Earth Changelings are extremely weak to magic.

Angel Changelings are an all female subspecies of Changelings, but don't let their beauty beguile you, these fierce warrior women are just as strong and fierce as the Amazons, however, due to their lack of physical toughness, and strength, Angel Changelings prefer firearms, daggers or shortswords.

Demon Changelings are rare, Kurse is the only known Demon Changeling in existence, Demon Changelings are extremely powerful warriors and masters of Dark Magic. Very little is known about them, except that they have this nasty habit of not dying properly. Demon Changelings are extremely resilient to magic, and physical attacks, stronger, faster, and far more intelligent than Earth Changelings, the only thing that can kill another, stronger Changeling.

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