Chapter ten: Fear vs Hatred

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-Mt. Ebott-

Kumu had turned into a scythe, which Betty grabbed and got into a fighting stance. Nightmare readied Harbinger and charged, Betty smirked and blocked Nightmare's attack. She could see what he was going to do ahead of time, much like Kurse. She then swung her scythe at Nightmare who blocked it, but was sent flying backwards. Skidding to a halt, he then sent a Spear of the Earth at Betty. To his surprise she stopped it, and turned it against Nightmare. Sending it back at him, Nightmare swatted it aside with Harbinger, and then charged at Betty. Who charged as well, the two met in the center of the field they were in. The clash ended in a stalemate as both pushed each other back. "Show me what you're made of, Nightmare." Betty taunted, "As you wish, girl." Nightmare said, "Now...face your darkest nightmares!" Betty was then sent to a waking nightmare. Where she fought a manic version of herself. Who had surrendered to the power of her Soul. Betty blocked her copy's attacks, before cutting her down. That however, was a mistake, Betty fell to her knees, clutching her now bloody side. The same place she hit her counterfeit. (So if I hurt these guys...) she thought, (I hurt myself...that's cheating!) She then channeled her Soul power, to try and escape. After awhile it became clear she couldn't force herself free. Suddenly another Fear Manifestation appeared, Kumu defended Betty by becoming a shield. Betty got up, and summoned her scythe. "Thanks, Kumu!" She thanked her oldest friend, Kumu smiled before becoming her flower hairpin again. Betty then attacked the Fear Manifestation, with the end results being the same. Betty yelled in pain, cluthing her now, damaged right eye. In the waking world, Nightmare chuckled, watching injuries appear on Betty's sleeping form. "There's no escape from the Nightmare plain." He said, "But I've messed with you enough, time to di-" Nightmare was then hit in the back with a red Soulwave. Breaking his hold on Betty's mind. Frisk stepped in front of Betty. 'You okay?' They signed, Betty nodded. "Thanks Frisk." She said, Frisk gave her a thumbs up. "Miserable curr!" Nightmare shouted, "Insignificant speck of feculant scum! HOW DARE YOU!" Frisk then blocked with their Soul Shield, blocking the Earth Shards that were sent their way. A white Bone then hit Nightmare in the back. "oh, sorry ma'am, i didn't see you there." He said nonchalantly, "heya kid, let's get you back to the house." Betty nodded before taking Sans's hand and the two teleported. A minute later, Sans appeared by Frisk. "Oh-ho, this is rich." Nightmare started saying chuckling, "A wannabe comedian, and a weakling human, against Hatred itself." "someone talks to much." Sans whispered, Frisk snickered at their uncle's comment. 'I hadn't noticed.' They signed, Nightmare then summoned Harbinger and charged the two. Sans summoned Bones while Frisk ran to meet Nightmare head-on.

Next part coming soon!


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