Chapter three: Toriel vs Nightmare

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Toriel stood in front of the Changeling, he then sent Earth Shards at her,Toriel dodged the attack, then launched Fireballs at the Changeling who couldn't dodge in time. "Let's get this over with." Toriel said, she then created a spear in her hand. The Changeling recognized it as a Soul Weapon. "How did you learn that, HOW!?" He shouted, "Kurse taught me." Toriel answered, "Now, feel Firebrand's bite." Toriel then struck the Changeling hurting him and cutting through his stone skin. He yelled in pain and rage, as he summoned more Earth Shards, sending them at Toriel, who used Firebrand to call forth a pillar of fire, blocking the attack. The Changeling looked quite angry, as he had pulled a huge chunk of concrete and threw it at Toriel. She couldn't get out of the way in time and got hit by the boulder sized object. She was slow to get up, and it almost cost her. The Changeling swung his fist at Toriel who rolled out of the way. She then blocked a downward strike from a black axe. Firebrand held, much to Toriel's pleasant surprise. She remembered what Kurse told her about Soul Weapons, that they were the physical manifestation of one's Soul strength. So she must have a strong Soul. The Changeling growled, frustrated that this spear withstood his strike. Using this to her advantage, Toriel used Firebrand and thrusted it at her opponent, who blocked with his axe, but to his shock, it cracked. "You're a Boss Monster, aren't you!?" He yelled, "Perhaps I am." Toriel said, the Changeling charged again, this time going full offense. Toriel blocked with her polearm, flashes of her and Kurse sparring together came to her, as she blocked her opponent's attacks with practiced precision. "Come on!" She challenged, "Show me what your Hatred can do against this!" Toriel then summoned Giga Breaker. The attack charged itself as the Changeling stood there wide-eyed. Toriel's eyes started glowing green. 'You are filled with Kindness.' "You will not harm my family!" She yelled, as Giga Breaker fired its green beam. The Changeling put up his weapon to block the attack. "D-damn you!" He started saying, "You're gonna need more than kill me!" A green explosion erupted from where the Changeling was standing. Toriel fell onto her knees, panting hard. Her grey eye color, had been replaced by a deep emerald. She heard footsteps behind her and risked a glance. It was Auriel and Betty. She smiled, then heard movement behind her. "It seems that...I have been...bested." she said weakly, the Changeling kicked her hard enough to send her flying backwards. As Toriel tried to stand, the Changeling's hand grabbed her throat, before throwing her into the air, he then summoned Earth Shards that rained down upon her. Toriel then spat out blood as she crashed back to earth. "S-so...this is it, then." She said weakly, "Kurse...Frisk...forgive me...I cannot be here for you, any longer." She then closed her eyes and readied herself for the final blow...but it never came. A shot rang out as a spike drove its way into the Changeling's chest. The spike then flashed orange before exploding. "Betty, get Toriel out of here!" Auriel said, "Right!" Betty replied, she knelt by Toriel, while Kumu morphed into a protective barrier around the two. Betty then used a teleportation capsule for herself and Toriel. And Kumu used one for himself. Auriel watched the three vanish, before turning to her opponent in front of her. Her wings flared out as Auriel readied another shot in Thorn. "I know your mind isn't your own, My brother can help you." Auriel said, the Changeling only laughed in response. "You think, that you stand a better chance than that monster filth you saved?" He asked, "Well, I tried..." Auriel sighed, "I may not be as strong as Kurse, but I can still kick your ass." With that, Auriel took to the skies.

And that's that. As always, comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve, next time, Auriel takes on the mysterious Changeling!

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