Chapter twelve: Genocide-Frisk vs Nightmare

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Frisk sent a massive Soulwave at Nightmare, who couldn't move in time and was sent flying back. (The hell?) He thought, (Why does their Determination feel exactly like Kurse's!? It wasn't like this earlier!) He was then hit by four more Soulwaves that Frisk sent his way. They then summoned Asgard again, and fired it at full power, at Nightmare. Nightmare evaded the attack at the last possible second, and sent a Shockwave at Frisk. They nonchalantly deflected the attack. Then summoned a Gaster Blaster. The four-eyed construct seemed to glare daggers at Nightmare. Before firing the same blue-orange beam. Nightmare whethered the attack, but Frisk had teleported behind him, before striking in a backhanded stab. Nightmare dodged the blade itself, but the explosion got him. Nightmare rose slowly, as his injuries were healed by his Hatred Soul. He then chuckled evilly at Frisk. "I see...I guess I underestimated the power of you and his Determination." He said, "However, compared to Kurse, you're weaker than that murdering traitor." Frisk glared at Nightmare. "My father is a great man, and stronger than you'll ever be!" They said their voice filled with venom, Nightmare growled, but then registered what Frisk had said. "Father?" He asked, before letting out a dark laugh. "You think he's your father!? Kurse, a parent! That's a real laugh." Nightmare fell to one knee. "Heh...looks like you hurt me. I'll give you full marks for that. So as your reward I'll change our agreement." Three black portals opened up. Two of which had monster Souls. The other a familiar red Determination/Bravery Soul. "To save your friends, you must first defeat them...all three of them." Nightmare declared, out of the portals, Sans, Asriel, and Chara materielized. Frisk's eyes widened in shock and horror. "What did you do to them!?" They shouted, Nightmare laughed. "This is a spell called Possession, it allows me to take control of someone's Soul. Enjoy it, because soon, you'll be my thrall as well." "Not if I have a say in it!" A familiar voice shouted, Nightmare whirled around just in time to get skewered by Kurse's Soul Chains. Before being pulled to the Demon Changeling, and thrown to the side of a boulder. "Dad!" Frisk called out, Kurse summoned a Dark Saber and joined Frisk. "Papyrus, Auriel, handle Sans!" He ordered, Papyrus and Auriel nodded and headed off to face Sans. "Frisk, you try to talk Chara down." Frisk nodded. Their LV had dropped back to one. And now they were back to their normal, muted self. "Toriel, take Asriel." Toriel then asked a rather important question. "What will you be doing?" She asked, "I'll handle Nightmare..." he said darkly, "He has to die for what he's done." Kurse then drew God Slayer and rushed Nightmare, who had summoned Harbinger and clashed with Kurse. "Predictable!" He shouted, Kurse smirked, then suddenly grabbed Nightmare by the wrist, and teleported them both to a location they both knew well.

-The Underground, Judgment Hall ruins-

A bright flash of red light illuminated the hall for the first time in two years. From that light Nightmare was thrown across the hall. He then looked around at this once bright place. "The Judgment Hall...what's left of it anyway." He said, "Now we're alone, just you...and me." Kurse said, Nightmare growled lowly, he had planned to crush Kurse's will to fight, by killing those close to him. But it seemed his opponent had other plans. "The only way to break Possession, is to kill its source. In this case, you." "So, you brought me here to, what, weight my sins?" Nightmare asked cynically, "No..." Kurse said, "I'm going to finish what I started two centuries ago."

The end is near, and history repeats itself.

(Here is the first of three final battle theme songs.)

(I listened to this song, and it fit a final-battle song between Kurse and Nightmare.)

(Also, I'm taking a small break from this story. I came up with a Sonic character for a fanfic. Meet Jackal the Wolf. The first Infinite!)

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