Chapter four: Valkyrie's cry

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Auriel stood defiantly against the Changeling, and fired Thorn. "Feel Thorn's sting!" She yelled, pulling the trigger she fired six shots from her pistol. The Changeling deflected two, but got hit by the other four. The spikes then flashed orange, then exploded. Being sent flying back by the force of the attack, the Changeling rose slowly, his ears ringing, he couldn't block the next volley that Auriel fired. "C'mon." She taunted, "Unless you're terrified 'to the bone'." She chuckled at her own pun. (I've been living with Sans and Paps too long.) She thought, "You think, that pea shooter...can stop ME!?" The Changeling roared angrily, he then sent Earth Shards at Auriel, who blocked with her Bravery Soul. 'You're filled with Bravery.' Auriel's amber yellow eyes glared at her opponent. "Cocky bastard." She said, "Let's dance!" With that the two engaged each other, After an hour or so, Auriel summoned Valhalla, and fired it.

-New Snowdin-

Kurse cut down more black Amalgamates that came near any civilians. New Snowdin was being evacuated, and so far, human and monster residents were leaving their homes as instucted by Kurse himself. Some of them were actually living together as well. Undyne regrouped with Kurse. "Undyne, anyone missing!?" Kurse asked, "No." Undyne answered, "Everyone's accounted for." Kurse nodded, before clutching his head as his eyes changed color again. "Rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaghhhhhh!" Kurse bellowed as he sent a black Blood Spear at a Spawner. Undyne took a step back from her mentor. "K-Kurse?" She asked cautiously, "A-are you alright?" Kurse's eyes then reverted to their normal crimson. "I-I'm alright." Kurse said shakily, "Sorry, I was...elsewhere, where's Sans?" "right here." Sans said, appearing in front of the two. "Any more of them on their way?" Kurse asked, Sans shook his head. "Is Frisk alright?" "yeah, they're fine." Sans replied, "looks like the last of those amalgamates for awhile." Kurse sighed deeply. "Let's hope s-" he began before a cyan flash of light appeared in front of the three. Kumu shrank back to his original size, revealing Betty...and a barely conscious Toriel, who had several severe injuries. "TORIEL!" Kurse shouted running up to the two, Betty had used her Soul's power to keep Toriel alive, Kurse seemed to notice. "You used your Soul power to stablize my wife." He said, Betty nodded. "I wanted to do more, but..." she said sadly, "Thank you...I mean it, kid." Kurse said gratefully, Frisk had joined the five and Toriel. 'Mom!' They signed, they looked at her with concerned eyes. 'Is she?' Kurse answered them. "Tori's unconcious, but alive." He said, he then noticed Auriel wasn't with Betty and Kumu. "Wait, where's Auriel!?" He asked Betty, "S-she stayed behind to fight the mean black monster who hurt Ms. Toriel." She answered, Kurse stood up suddenly and had a look of anger in his eyes. "Stay here." He said with authority, before teleporting to New Hotland.

-New Hotland-

Auriel was panting. The constant moving was wearing her out, and it was starting to show. "You're slowing down." The Changeling said, he then brought down his axe, Soul Stealer, and smacked Auriel with the blunt side of the head. Now dazed, Auriel could only look up. "Goodbye, fool." The Changeling rose Soul Stealer up. Only to lose his arm to a Dark Saber. The Changeling yelled in pain as he looked at the source. "You get the HELL AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Kurse shouted enraged, the Changeling smiled, he found his target. " you are." He said, "Bearing your sin, like a badge of honor. What brings you here, Kurse?" Kurse just glared. "Shut the hell up, worm." He hissed, "I'm here to stop you, to protect my only remaining sibling from you." The Changeling growled lowly at Kurse. "And what of the other Changelings?" He asked, "Would you save one, but not the others?" "They had their chance!" Kurse suddenly snapped, "And they wasted it." The Changeling then grew enraged. "We had victory in our grasp!" He yelled, "The Surface would have been home to all monsterkind! But that coward, Asgore, denied his people their rightful place!" Now Kurse was curious, this monster's form looked familiar to him all of a sudden. "Who are you?" He asked, the Changeling chuckled darkly. "I think you know." He said, "Once, you called me 'cousin'." Kurse suddenly took a step back, he knew this Changeling. "Nox..." he said, "I have forsaken that I am, Nightmare!" Nightmare said, "The minute you raised God Slayer against us, I was born. Now I have the power to get my revenge. And not even you, can stop me!" "It was you..." Kurse said infuriated, "You made Chara kill all those monsters, didn't you!?" Nightmare laughed. "And...if I was?" He asked smugly, "You bastard..." Kurse seethed, "I'll kill you!" Kurse charged, however Nightmare hit Kurse with a Hatred orb. Kurse fell to his knees as the six lines on his eyes, spread up to his forehead, chin, and cheeks. "What did you do!?" Kurse shouted, "What is this...anger!?" Nightmare chuckled. "Yes..." he said, "Give in to your Hatred, self Hatred is stronger than most hates, and it seems you hate yourself, excellent!" Kurse was tempted to, had a familiar if weak voice not called out to him. "Kurse..!" Auriel called weakly, "Don't...give into...your Hatred." Nightmare laughed. "It's far to late for him to-" suddenly Kurse's Soul was becoming red again. After awhile a large pillar of red light erupted as Kurse let out a fierce roar that shook the heavens.

Kurse then stood up. The lines on his face glowed red. " You're right, Nightmare." He said, "I do hate myself, for what I've done. But my Determination is stronger than my Hatred."

Aaaaand another cliffhanger. Once again, comment, rate and leave advice so I can improve, next time, Kurse faces off against Nightmare, as history repeats itself!

(Stronger than hate.)

(Here's the next song.)

(I thought of a song for Kurse's new form, hope you enjoy it.)

Undertale: the last Changeling: Book 2: The Surface ArcWhere stories live. Discover now