Chapter seven: Kurse vs Thanatos

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Kurse whirled around and blocked a strike from a monster that looked like him. "Thanatos!?" He shouted surprised, "Not bad...partner." Thanatos said, Kurse then pushed Thanatos back, before wreathing God Slayer in Abyssal Flame. Thanatos jumped back and sent a Black Wave at Kurse, who sent an Abyssal Flamewave at Thanatos. The two attacks collided and canceled each other out. A Blood Spear flew through the smoke, and hit Thanatos in the shoulder. He looked at Kurse and saw...a different look in his eyes. "I have had a very bad day, and my patience is running thin." Kurse said darkly, "'LOVE is an acronym, it stands for Level of Violence.' And I have a lot of LV. I promise you, Thanatos. I will kill you." Kurse's third eye opened, for the first time in two years. Demi-Kurse had returned. "Let's get our hands dirty." He growled, Thanatos blocked a strike from Demi-Kurse, but then he vanished and reappeared behind Thanatos. "What!?" He shouted, before Demi-Kurse kicked in the back. He then summoned a Gaster Blaster and fired it at Thanatos. Who countered with his own Gaster Blaster, Demi-Kurse won the contest of magic strength. After destroying Thanatos's blaster, Demi-Kurse shot his Armageddon Beams at him. Thanatos tried to dodge but was hit in the chest. Spitting out some blood, he saw that Demi-Kurse had fallen to his knees, as he looked at his chest, Demi-Kurse's eyes widened. "What?" He whispered, Thanatos chuckled. "That's how this works, Kurse." He said smirking, "You hurt me, you hurt yourself. However, it works both ways, if you get hurt so do I." Demi-Kurse looked at Thanatos. "You really shouldn't have told me that." He said, grabbing God Slayer and getting into a fighting stance. "Let's wrap this up, unless your afraid." Thanatos growled in anger, before turning into True-Thanatos. "No one taunts me!" He bellowed, Demi-Kurse in response turned into True-Kurse. "Uh, I just did." He stated, the two charged at each other. God Slayer and Dark God Slayer flashed black and red. As one was powered by Hatred, the other was powered by Determination. True-Kurse kneed True-Thanatos in the gut, knocking the breath out of him. Gasping a bit, True-Thanatos recovered enough to block True-Kurse's attack. True-Kurse's eyes then glowed red, as he unleashed his Spirit Beam. True-Thanatos used a Gaster Blaster to counter the attack. It instantly proved useless as he dodged the incoming beam. After three straight hours of fighting, True-Kurse had been pushed back to defending himself. In that time, Toriel, Frisk, and everyone else had arrived. "Kurse!" Alphys called out, True-Kurse heard the lizards voice and was distracted momentarily. True-Thanatos took advantage of this and ran True-Kurse through. True-Kurse's eyes widened. "Damn it..!" He said, "No! Kurse!" Toriel cried out, Frisk fell to their knees in shock and grief. (No...) they thought, (Dad's a very skilled fighter, he can't be beaten! Right?) True-Kurse reverted back to Kurse. "So...this is what you wanted." He said, as his body turned to dust. "All that power...and it's in the hands of Nightmare's lapdog. What a disgrace." Thanatos growled. "Are you done yet, punk?" He said, "Just one more this...all you've got?" Kurse asked, suddenly his dusting form was engulfed in a red light. After a minute, it dissipated. Thanatos's eyes widened as Kurse stood before him...unscathed. "Because, if that's the case." He said, "You'll have to try harder than that!" 'Kurse the Undying takes up arms!'

Done and done. As always comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve, next time, It's Kurse the Undying vs Thanatos!

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