Chapter nine: aftermath and grief

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-New Waterfall, Kurse and Toriel's home-

"Wow..." Auriel whispered, she was star-gazing in one of the guest rooms. "The stars are so pretty out here...I can see why Kurse and Dust like them." Auriel's smile faded when she remembered watching Dust die in her older brother's arms. She turned to see Kurse staring at the stars as well. Auriel knew that Kurse took Dust's death the hardest of the two of them. Elsewhere in the house, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Frisk and Asgore sat in silence. This black Souled Changeling, this...Nightmare had hurt the group where it hurt most. He hit their homes, hurt families, and robbed Kurse of his brother, again. A single tear fell from his eye. "Why does such a kind, innocent soul like you, Dust." He said sadly, "have to die before his life even began? It's not fair..." Kurse fell to his knees and started crying. "It's just not god damn fair!" Toriel walked up beside Kurse and tried her best to comfort him. "I'm so sorry, Kurse." She said, "If you need anything, just tell me..." Kurse nodded before wiping his tears away. Toriel had never seen her husband so, beaten emotionally, it was heartbreaking. "Thanks, Tori." Kurse said hoarsely, "Go get some sleep, I'll join you soon." Toriel nodded before heading back to their room. Auriel stood looking at the stars for awhile longer, before being joined by Sans. "you okay, auriel?" He asked, "No." Auriel said, "But I'll survive...Nightmare hit me and Kurse hard...but we're surviving. That's about all we can do, y'know?" Sans nodded. "i won't pretend to know what you're going through." He said, "but if i lost pap, or if he lost me, i sure as hell would miss him more than anything." Auriel nodded in understanding. "besides." Sans went on, "you 'n kurse'll 'wing it' from this." Auriel let a small laugh escape her. "Your a very 'punny' guy, you know that, Sans?" Auriel joked back, Sans chuckled. "well, like papyrus, i don't like seeing my friends sad." He said, "Let Tori handle Kurse." Auriel said, "He never did get over Dust's death the first time..." afterwards, the occupants of the house headed to bed.

-The next day-

Kurse had gotten up early and had cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast. The smell woke everyone up, Frisk and Toriel arrived at the table first. "Good morning, Kurse." Toriel said, "Morning." He replied, 'Mmm that smells really good.' Frisk signed, "Well kiddo, why don't you serve yourself up some breakfast, first ones awake get the biggest servings." Kurse said, Frisk, Toriel and Kurse got their portions and ate. After breakfast, Kurse checked Toriel's injuries. When he touched her left shoulder, Toriel winced painfully. "Broken arm." He concluded, getting an arm sling from his medical stuff, and wrapped Toriel's left arm in it. "I'm sorry." He said suddenly, "For what?" Toriel asked, "I...never really moved on when Dust died the first time...I killed him to protect Auriel, Asriel and Chara. But...I never forgave myself." Kurse said, "And thanks to Nightmare...I had to kill my brother a second time...I guess he wants me to suffer, making history repeat itself." Toriel grabbed Kurse's hand and held it. "You are not a murderer." She stated with finality, Kurse closed his eyes and smiled. "How do you do it?" He asked, "Geez, you're such a mom, you know that?" Toriel smiled, "That's because I'm 'momtastic' like that." She joked, "Hahahahaha!" Kurse laughed, "That one was good." Toriel smiled, the old Kurse that she knew and loved was back. Suddenly Undyne burst through the door. "Betty's gone!" She yelled, Kurse stood up. "She's going to fight Nightmare...shit, get Sans and Frisk!" He ordered, Undyne nodded and sprinted to Sans and Frisk's rooms.

-Mt. Ebott-

Betty had been walking to find Nightmare and make him pay for hurting her friends. She found a trail leading to Mt. Ebott, the former home of the monsters. "Come to beg for mercy, child?" Nightmare's voice asked, "No..." Betty said, "I'm here to stop you from hurting my friends anymore." "You'll fail you know." Nightmare said, Betty was suddenly surrounded by Kumu, who protected her from a crushing blow from Harbinger (that's the axe's name now) and backed off. "Let's see if your Hatred." Betty started, "Can beat my Fear" 'you are filled with Fear.'

Holy hell that first bit was depressing! But anyway, comment, rate and leave advice so I can improve, next it's Betty versus Nightmare!

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