18. Dolled up

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          Luna Giraldo loved to talk. Yet at the same time, she was shy.

          So the thought of sitting across from a girl she knew little to nothing about for over an hour terrified her. Liz had been a little too eager to spill every little detail she learned about Danielle from months of pining after her, but Mia was quick to silence her with a glare, insisting that it was better if Luna learned them firsthand.

          She was a stranger to the dating scene, unless letting a boy walk her home from middle school counted as date, then she was an expert at dates. But sadly, Danielle wouldn't be walking her home from school and rambling about her impressive collection of comic books stored in her basement. Danielle would be sitting across from her, a bright smile on her face while Luna acted like she wasn't internally screaming.

           Danielle decided they'd be going to a pizzeria not too far from school. A pizzeria that people from school could easily spot them, and take note of the fact that they were on a date. Don't be mistaken, Luna Giraldo was not ashamed of her sexuality, it wasn't possible when she was surrounded by such a supportive family. But that didn't change the fact that she feared judgement, not from randoms, but those who's opinion mattered to her. The thought of someone like Peter wearing a look of horror as she swooned over a girl shook her to the core, to the point where she even considered asking Danielle to change the location.

          Thankfully Mia had snatched the phone out of her grasp before she even got the chance to scroll down to their thread of texts. Mia had given her a good scolding, something along the lines of "don't be an idiot" followed by a reassuring "Peter would never." It had calmed Luna's nerves just long enough for the two girls to decide on an outfit, only rising once more when she saw Peter had texted her about the cancelation of their study session.

          That was another task that Luna had been dreading. She was dreading it so much that she couldn't even be the one to do it. Liz Barns did it on her behalf.

           Liz stayed after school that afternoon, waiting outside of the library while Mia and Luna rushed to her house to get ready. She was bored beyond belief, waiting impatiently for Peter to arrive so she could join the two girls in the task of dolling their friend up. She only agreed to do it for Luna's sake, the girl going pale in the face at the mention of having to tell the boy she was going on a date with someone. You'd think from Luna's intense discomfort that she was telling her ex she had moved on after they asked to get back together, not telling her study buddy that she was going out for a slice of pizza instead of studying.

           Liz's eyes lit up as she saw Peter Parker making his way down the hall, his bookbag hanging off one shoulder as he worked on untangling his headphones. "Parker!" His head shot up, eyebrows knitting together in confusion at the sight of Liz Barns instead of her perky best friend. He slowed down as he approached her, eyes flitting to the window of the library, the table usually occupied by Luna empty. Liz followed his gaze, offering a light smile. "Yeah, that's why I'm here. Luna can't make it."

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