30. Humiliated

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           To say Luna was dreading her visit to the Parker household was an understatement. In fact, she even tried wrestling Mia for her phone to text Peter that plans had changed and she wouldn't be able to go that afternoon. But having just woken up, she was at an unfair advantage, making Mia the victor in the fight for her phone.

          Going a step further, Mia cashed in the favor Diana Giraldo owed her so she could get Luna dropped off. She watched with a grin as Luna hesitantly walked to the door, turning back with a grimace. All she received in response was finger guns before Diana pulled away from the curb, and drove away. She considered taking off to the nearest train, but then realized Mia had taken the liberty of keeping her phone, and conveniently enough, her metro card was hidden in the case.

           Seeing no other options of escape, she made her way into the apartment building. She didn't dare to meet the eyes of the people she passed, not wanting someone to kick up a conversation over why she looked ready to collapse. Peter didn't give off the impression that he read the contents of the book, but that didn't mean the possibility was off the table. He easily could be waiting to break her heart in person, and that frightened her.

           Ignoring the odd look she received from the small child in the elevator, Luna leant against the wall of the elevator and did a breathing exercise. Inhale. He didn't read the book. Exhale. If he did, maybe he won't hate it. Inhale. And if he does, there's other people to like. Exhale. Danielle is still available. Inhale. But even Danielle knew she didn't compare to Peter Parker. Exhale. This is going to end badly.

           "This is your floor." Luna snapped out of her daze, looking over to the boy, who'd managed to stand as far away as possible from her. She barely nodded, dragging herself out of the elevator without a word. "Weirdo."

           Luna didn't even have the energy to send a snarky remark to the young boy, instead rolling her eyes as she trudged down the hallway. She couldn't help but think of how just last week she was walking down this hallway with a grin as she spoke to Peter, yet now she wore a deep frown, wanting anything but to talk to said boy.

           Releasing a shaky sigh, she brought her knuckles down, knocking on the apartment door. She tensed up as the door was swung open, revealing a rather perky Peter Parker. The breathe was suddenly sucked out of her as he smiled at the girl, stepping back to hold the door open wider. "Hey, Luna, come in."

           His calm tone of voice did nothing to ease her nerves, and he could see that the moment she awkwardly lingered by the door. So reluctantly, he placed his hand on the small of her back, a shiver running down her spine at the sudden contact. "C'mon," he said softly, leading her down the hall to his room. "Aunt May just went out, she should be back soon. She really likes you, you know."

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