28. Mysterious

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          The walks home slowly became easier and easier. At first, when Luna was told nobody was able to pick her up and she'd be forced to take the train at night, she'd be so scared that she often decided to cancel her plans just to get home before sundown. Then when she came to her senses, her way of distracting herself from the neon lights of hell was to stay on the phone with her brother, eyes wide with caution while he talked off her ear.

          Their conversations always seemed to start with the words "so how's your boy toy?" to which Luna would scoff as her brother let out an unattractive laugh. As annoying as he was, he did a hell of a job at keeping her distracted, and for that she was grateful. She was not grateful for his continuous teasing comments about her "boy toy," otherwise known as Peter Parker. She'd call him because she needed someone to help her keep calm, not make her as red as a tomato by the time she reached the front door.

          Tonight was one of those nights where an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, and by the time she reached the bottom of the steps from the train, Andrew was already on the line. "Don't say it," Luna hissed into the phone, watchful eyes scanning her surroundings.

          It was silent for a moment before Andrew sighed, "You know, if I was five years younger, I'd date him. Unless he's into older men, then I'll date him now."

Luna Giraldo lived in New York City. She's seen raccoons digging in her trash, dead possums in the middle of the street, subway rats fighting over a french fry, yet none of them seemed to disgust her as much as her brother's words. She made a gagging noise in response, Andrew letting out a snort at the sound. The image of Peter and her brother together horrified her, to say the least.

          "He's a ten, and you're a seven on a good day." Judging by the shrill gasp heard on the other line, she knew she'd gotten a good jab in, most likely setting her up for payback, but she didn't feel an ounce of regret.

          "You moon bitch!"

         "Have you been talking to Liz?" She chuckled, so invested in the conversation that she'd failed to observe her environments. "Because she called me the same thing a few days ago. Or is it a gay thing to call me a moon bitch?"

          "Oh yeah, we had a homo meeting and our King Queer decided every gay person is to call you a moon bitch from now on." Luna couldn't help but let out a laugh at her brother's sarcastic tone, a wide smile spread across her lips. "I don't make the rules, just follow them."

          "Since when do you–" Luna paused, her head snapping up to the rooftop, where a figure quickly darted back. She narrowed her eyes at where the figure once stood, ignoring Andrew's yapping in her ear. As expected, they peaked out before quickly darting back into the dark, the streetlight providing little to no help in identifying the figure. "Andrew, I'll call you back," she muttered, curiosity getting the best of her as she hung up the phone. She shoved it into her pocket as she took a step back, hoping to get a better look at the figure. "Hey!" She called out in an attempt to lure them out.

Lovebug ── PETER PARKER¹Where stories live. Discover now