Part 1

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Ty Blackthorn was curled into a ball at the foot of his bed. They had just arrived back home from Idris the night before. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, but he didn't care. She was gone. Forever.

He didn't know what to do. He couldn't move, couldn't think of anything but her. Livvy, with her beautiful dark hair and blue-green Blackthorn eyes. Livvy, with the jagged end of the mortal sword sticking out of her chest. Livvy, buried beneath the ground.

He was never going to see her again. Never again would they spy on visitors to the institute together. Never again would they stay up late watching movies. Never again.

Maybe it would be easier to just end it all. End the pain, the suffering. It had been weeks since she died. Weeks since the broken blade had pierced her heart. He had rarely eaten, rarely slept, only thinking of her. He could have saved her. He could have done something.

Ty wanted to die. He never wanted to wake up again only to realise that she was gone. He wanted to die. He would have already if not for Kit.

Every time that Ty thought of dying, he remembered Kit's arms around him that night on the roof. How Kit had held him tighter than anyone else ever had, when Ty needed it most. Livvy may not have been around anymore, but at least he had Kit.

Ty stood up and walked to his desk, pulling out the box of photos he had. His hands immediately went to one he knew well. He had seen it many, many times before. Maybe it could help him let go.

Sorry that was a short first chapter! Sorry if there are any spelling or grammatical errors. Part two will hopefully be coming soon!

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