Part 13

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"I don't understand," Kit replied after a while, "Why is that a big deal? Is it because she has the same last name as that Simon person that saved the world?"

"No." Said Ty quietly, "It isn't because she has the same last name as Simon. Simon chose his name after he ascended, he wasn't born into the Lovelace family. The last Lovelace I have heard of was George Lovelace, one of Simon's close friends at the Shadowhunter Academy. But he wasn't born into the family either, he was adopted, and died in ascension. That's why Simon took the name, to honour George. Before him, there was a long line of Lovelaces, but none of them got into shadowhunting. There was a girl, Jessamine, who came back into it in the late 1800s, but she died as well. She was the last Lovelace that was born into the family and took up shadowhunting. I had no idea that their were any Lovelaces shadowhunting at the moment."

Ty stopped talking and looked over at Kit. "What should we do?" He whispered to the blond.

"I don't think we should do anything." Kit replied bluntly. "So she was a Lovelace, so what? We have bigger problems at the moment. Like Annabel."

"Yeah, but its not like we have actually been doing anything about her. We don't know where she is, or how to stop her. We have nothing better to do."

"Yes we do. We could actually get out and live a little for once. Meet and interact with other people. Come on Ty. Don't go running off investigating Lizzy. Live a little."

Kit didn't even realise he had moved closer to Ty until he was so close he could count every perfect freckle on Ty's perfect face. "Live a little," he repeated, this time more softly.

Ty was looking at him now, really looking at him, like he was seeing him for the first time. They were so close, all Kit would have to do was lean forward slightly and-

And then they were kissing.

His hands were is Ty's hair, and Ty's arms were around his waist, and they were kissing.

Both boys pulled away for breath, and Kit smiled, meeting Ty's shy grey eyes.

"That... was really something," Ty breathed.

"Yes," the blond's smile became impossibly wider, "It really was."

Hey guys. I hope you liked that chapter. Some of it doesn't really make sense, sorry about that. I really wanted Lizzy's last name to be something cliffhangery but then I didn't really think about what I would actually do with it afterwards, and this chapter happened. Sorry if it sucks.

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