Part 5

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Okay so I know I said it was all just going to be fluff but this is an angsty chapter. Just because I can.

Ty ran. He ran away from Kit. He ran like he had never run from anything before. He was terrified. Terrified of his own feelings. Terrified of the prospect that he could be even more different than he already was.

He ran from himself. From everything he hated about himself. From his differences, his personality. He ran from his feelings.

The feeling of his feet hitting sand was what finally broke him out of his terrified trance. Ty didn't even realise or remember that he had left the institute, but at some point he must have. He was at the beach. There was something about the rhythm of the waves, the movement of the water and the fizzing of the foam that always seemed to calm Ty down.

The ocean intrigued him. How could something so big and unexplored still exist? He wanted to swim to the deepest depths and see all the weird and wonderful animals that still haven't even been discovered.

Ty collapsed onto the warm sand, finally feeling calm. And, finally able to breathe, the steady sounds of the waves lulled him to sleep.

Kit had seen Ty run. He was worried. Ty had just bolted. No reasons, no explanation, just bolted. He had wanted to talk to Ty, wanted to apologise for running off to training earlier. It hurt that Ty had run as soon as he had looked at Kit. Had he done something to upset Ty? Not that he could remember.

He was just about to leave when Julian walked in with someone he had never seen before. It was a girl, with long, dyed purple hair in thick braids and some of the greenest eyes he had ever seen. She was beautiful in an out-of-this-world kind of way, with enormous eyes and a petite nose. Her faced bore hardly any makeup, with just a bit of eyeliner to accentuate her eyes.

Kit didn't even realise he was staring until the girl snapper her fingers in front of his face.

"What are you looking at?" She demanded.

"I was just thinking, sorry. I didn't mean to stare. Well I wasn't staring at you, more like through you, and it just kind of happens sometimes, and I'm sorry, and-"

Julian stepped between them. "Not to interrupt whatever was just happening, but I feel like you two should be introduced. Kit, this is Lizzy. Lizzy, this is Kit. I have to go now, so it would be great if you could show Lizzy around for me."

Kit blinked. When Julian had first said her name, he could have sworn he said Livvy. This girl seemed so much like her. Not in looks, but in personality.

He took some time showing her around the institute, and by the time he was done it was getting dark. Kit was worried. Where was Ty? He had been gone for more than an hour. Where would he have gone?

A thought suddenly struck Kit. The ocean. Ty loved the ocean. It wasn't much to go on, but it was something. He turned to the green eyed girl standing next to him.

"I need to find Ty. He's my best friend, and I think I've done something to upset him. He's probably at the beach so I'm going to go check. Can you tell Julian for me?"

She smiled. "I have a better idea. How about I come with you? I would love to meet him."

"That's a great idea. Let's go."

The walk to the beach went by fast. Lizzy was really fun to talk to. She had similar interests to Kit, and was just generally a nice person.

"Oh." She breathed. They were there. The last rays of the sunset were reflecting over the water and the sky was streaked with pink, a stark contrast to the deep, blue-green of the ocean. It was beautiful.

"It's beautiful." She whispered, voicing Kit's thoughts.

It was beautiful, but they had not come there to watch the sunset. Where was Ty?

A quick look around found Ty to be sleeping on the soft sand, far from the water. Kit breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the other boy, Ty's dark clothes making him visible against the white sand.

Lizzy looked up at Kit. "Is that him?" She questioned.

"Yeah," answered Kit, walking over to the sleeping form of his friend.

Ty had his arms behind his head. His hair was shining in the moonlight, his dark eyelashes feathering down against his cheeks. He had nice eyelashes, thick and long. Asleep, all the pain and grief he had been going through was wiped from his face. He looked peaceful. Beautiful.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lizzy asked. Kit hadn't even realised that he had stopped breathing.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just happy we found him." He replied, glancing up at her quickly before returning his gaze to Ty.

Ty suddenly curled in on himself, his face contorting with pain. He started speaking under his breath, steadily getting louder until he was screaming. A name. Livvy.

"Okay, who is Livvy?" Lizzy asked, puzzled.

Kit ignored Lizzy and ran to Ty's side, shaking him. A nightmare. It had to be.

Ty wasn't waking up. He was still screaming Livvy's name. Screaming to his dead sister who would never be able to hear him.

The shaking must have finally gotten to Ty, as he sat bolt upright and gasped, tears streaming down his face. Sobbing uncontrollably, he looked at Kit.

"Tell me." Kit said to the other boy. Tell me what you need.

"Hold me. Like that time on the roof." He whispered.

Kit obliged, pulling Ty over to him and enveloping him in his arms. Ty was crying into his shoulder, and Kit's shirt quickly became wet with the tears of the grieving boy. He held him tighter, like on the roof. The pressure grounded Ty, made it easier for him to think. Kit held onto Ty until the world seemed to spin away, leaving just the two of them. Kit held him until he stopped crying, and looked up at Kit with his grey eyes so full of pain that Kit's heart broke.

"Thankyou." He whispered.

Kit smiled. "It's fine."

He looked up to see Lizzy looking down at them.

"Oh my god." She murmured. "You're Kit Herondale. The lost Herondale. That's you."

"Uh, yeah." He said. "That's not really important though. We need to get back to the institute. Julian will be worried."

So that wasn't really as angsty as I originally thought it would be, but there is more angst planned for the future. I'm honestly so happy that people are actually reading this. Sorry again if there are any spelling or grammatical errors.

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