Part 2

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The photo in Ty's hands was old and faded. In it, a boy and a girl stood under a tree. They were two sides of the same coin, opposite personalities complimenting each other. He was serious and a realist, and she positive and happy. Tears rolled down his cheeks from looking, remembering her. She was always smiling, in every picture. His twin sister. Livvy.

He remembered when Annabel plunged the broken blade of the mortal sword into her heart. He didn't believe it. Even now, after the funeral, he still didn't believe it. It was like half of him had suddenly been ripped away. Without her, he was nothing.

Livvy's room was just as she had left it. Ty almost believed she would come in and tell him to go away. Almost.

It was so full of her presence it made it hard to breathe. He saw her in all the changing shadows on the walls. When he looked at the door, she was there. He knew it would fade - her being everywhere - but he didn't want it to. It was the only thing apart from photos that reminded him she had existed at all.

Memories of their time together flashed across his mind. Laughing together, hunting together, and watching the sky by the light of the moon.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered to Livvy. Her presence was so firmly hooked in the room that if he closed his eyes, she could have been standing right next to him.

It hurt.

But she was gone.

There was nothing left he could do. Except remember.

Remember how her eyes sparkled with passion when she talked about something she liked, remember how one side of her mouth lifted before the other when she smiled, remember her joking voice and her gasping laugh.

When his childhood turned to adulthood, he would remember her.

And when everyone else had moved on and forgotten, he would remember.

He would always remember.

For her.


Ty left Livvy's room without looking back. Maybe he could make peace with this new life where Livvy was dead. He would never be whole again, no one could replace Livvy, but maybe, just maybe, he could live without her.

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