Part 8

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When Ty opened the door and walked into the room, Kit had to admit he was surprised. After weeks of avoiding him, Ty Blackthorn had appeared, out of nowhere, in Kit's room.

"Uh, hi." started Ty awkwardly.

"Yeah. Hi." Kit replied with a half smile on his face. He was upset that Ty had been avoiding him, sure, but he was happy to see him none the less.

Ty's next words came out in a rush, so fast that Kit could only just catch what was being said.

"I'm sorry, Kit. I'm so sorry. I never meant to avoid you for so long. I just didn't want to talk to anyone for a few days, and then you were upset, and I don't like talking to people when they are upset, because I don't know how, so I just kept avoiding you, but that made things worse, and you got more upset, so I avoided you more, and it just continued, but now I'm here and I know it's an awful excuse, but I really am sorry. I'm sorry Kit."

Ty had thought that Kit would be angry. It was a horrible excuse after all, but it was better than the truth. That Ty was avoiding him because he had a crush on him and couldn't face it, because he could not be gay.

Kit had still not responded. He wasn't angry, Ty could tell. He looked relieved. Relieved? Why would Kit be relieved? Oh. Kit had thought that Ty was mad at him. He had gone through weeks thinking that he had done something awful to Ty.

Ty was awoken from his thoughts when Kit put his hand on his cheek. Ty instantly froze, but soon became accustomed to the touch. His heart was beating insanely fast as Kit gradually came closer, and closer, until their faces were only centimetres apart.

Kit was looking into his eyes, staring straight into his soul, and for once Ty was looking back. The rest of the world fell apart as their lips touched, just lightly at first, but it slowly became more intense. Their body's pressed together, hands tangled into each other's hair. Ty was lost in the moment, lost in Kit, until one word popped into his head. No.

No. He wasn't gay. Couldn't be gay. It was not happening. Ty put his hands flat against Kit's chest and pushed, causing Kit to tumble onto the floor. He looked up at Ty with hurt in his eyes. For a good twenty seconds Ty had kissed him back. What happened?

"What's wrong?" Kit eventually said. "Was it that bad?"

"No." Ty replied. "It was perfect, and amazing, and I loved it, and that's exactly the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't be gay, Kit. I'm already different enough."

With that Ty stood up and rushed out of the room. Kit didn't even bother coming after him.

Lizzy was waiting outside Kit's room. Kit and Ty had to hurry up and figure out their differences so that Kit could go back to being happy. It was so selfish of Ty to just stop talking to Kit and leave him miserable when she wanted to have a conversation with him. So naturally, she was listening to their whole conversation and spying through the key whole. You can imagine how surprised she was when Kit kissed Ty.

Many thoughts ran through her head in the twenty seconds that their kiss lasted. She would never have picked Kit for liking boys, and eww that was not natural and it was disgusting and in those twenty seconds she decided something. She was going to make Kit straight again. It was such a disgrace to the Shadowhunters to have a gay Herondale. A disgrace.

She was so busy thinking about it that she didn't hear or see Kit hit the ground, or the hushed conversation that came after. When the doorknob turned, however, she did notice. Lizzy scrambled backwards so fast that she hit her head on the wall opposite the door just as it opened, with a dishevelled Ty appearing in the doorway. He looked down at her, taking in her shocked and disgusted expression, and knew she had seen. She had seen Kit kiss him.

He walked over to her and lifted her off the ground, pushing her against the wall and put his arm against his throat. Not enough to cut off her airway, but enough to labour her breathing. Mixed with the calm, lethal expression on Ty's face, it was terrifying. His voice came out in a harsh whisper.

"You will not tell anyone what you saw. If you so much as breathe a word of it, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

Lizzy knew he wasn't bluffing. If she told anyone at all, Ty would kill her and damn the consequences.

"Yes," she replied. "I understand. No telling anyone. Got it."


Ty let go of her and walked away, leaving her with Kit, who had appeared in the doorway.

"I'm guessing you saw?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. But don't worry, I value my life. I won't tell anyone." She replied calmly.

"Oh God, Lizzy. I don't know what happened. One second he was kissing me back and the next he was pushing me away."

Lizzy was disgusted. Why was he telling her this? It was quite nauseating. Her plan would have to be put into action as soon as possible.

After about an hour of sulking in his room, Ty went straight to the training room. He needed to get out some anger. Kissing Kit had been amazing. It was all he wanted - apart from getting Livvy back - but it could never happen again. If he was going to be straight, he would have to forget it ever happened. Forget how it had felt to be that close to Kit, with his fingers tangled in the other boy's golden hair. Forget how warm he had felt enveloped in him. He would have to forget.

The door of the training room was open, which was unusual. Usually it was closed to try and keep the noise from reaching the rest of the institute. It was quiet, so Ty assumed it was empty. He walked through the door and got all the way to the rack of weapons before he noticed that he wasn't alone. Against the wall opposite him was Kit, with a purple haired figure that must have been Lizzy. She had her back to him. They were kissing passionately, bodies pressed together just like Kit and Ty had been only an hour earlier.

A feeling similar to the one that Ty felt when Livvy kissed Kit was spreading in the pit of his stomach. Jealousy. Why would Lizzy do it, anyway? She had seen Kit kiss him. What was she playing at?

Oh. Kit kissing him was a prank. It had to have been a prank. That's why Lizzy was there. She was observing Ty's reaction. They had probably been laughing at him for ages.

He had thought that when Livvy died he would still have Kit.

He was wrong.

It breaks my heart to write this but at the same time I love it which doesn't make sense. Anyway, I hope you like it.

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