Part 3

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Kit sat outside the door of Ty's room. He was worried. Ty still wasn't eating much, and it didn't look like he had been sleeping, either. Kit remembered when he had first come to the institute. He was alone, didn't want to have anything to do with the shadowhunters. Ty and Livvy had taken him in, treated him as their family, and in that time they had grown close. Him and Ty especially. Kit had pulled himself together after his father's death only to be blown back into pieces. He hated it.

Livvy was the only person who knew that he wasn't exactly straight. Kit thought back to when she had found out. He had thought that anyone who knew would hate him, and had told no one for fear of it. He hadn't exactly come out of the closet to Livvy, more like falling out of it and landing on his face. But he thought back to it anyway, a smiling the whole time.


Kit started at the face on the TV screen. Only half way through the movie, and he was already bored. It was a romantic comedy, chosen by Emma and Livvy. They were all sitting round the TV, Kit on the end of one of the couches, with Ty next to him and Livvy on the other side of Ty. The others were randomly scattered on the other couches and on the ground.

The three of them had scored the couch through Ty, who had set everything up and got to claim whatever spot he wanted. He chose the main lounge with Kit and Livvy. Livvy was enjoying the movie immensely, watching with complete interest. Kit and Ty were not. It was only proved to Kit how bored Ty really was when he heard him snoring. Kit looked to his left and saw that Ty was peacefully sleeping. Livvy hadn't even noticed that her brother had fallen asleep. Typical girl, loving romantic comedy. Kit sighed and turned his attention back to the movie.

Suddenly something hit Kit in the shoulder. He looked and saw that Ty had slumped over and his head was resting on Kit's shoulder. He froze. Kit had tried to think of Ty as his friend, and only his friend. Nothing more. He thought he had succeeded, but feeling Ty's head on his shoulder and his breath on his neck made it really, really hard.

It became even harder not to think like that when Ty's head slipped off his shoulder and into his lap. Oh god. What the hell could he do? He liked the idea of Ty sleeping on him a lot more than he should, but he also knew that it would look really weird for Ty to wake up with his head still on Kit's leg. He couldn't move. He really, really wanted to run his hands through Ty's hair. He wanted more than that actually, and the thought scared him.

Kit let himself at least brush Ty's hair out of his face. No one would know. They were watching the movie. Then he heard a startled breath, and looked over to see Livvy looking right at him. He looked down at Ty and saw that his hands were still in his hair. Kit turned a very dark shade of red.

"Uh, this really isn't what it looks like," he began, but Livvy cut him off.

"You really care about him, don't you?" She whispered. It was so quiet that only Kit could hear it. It just made him blush even more.

"Of course I do. He is my best friend. Why wouldn't I care about him?" He replied quickly.

"I didn't mean it like that, and you know it."

"Well no then. I don't like him like that."

"Don't lie to me, Kit. I have seen the way you look at him, like he holds up the stars. That's not how you look at your friends."

Kit didn't know what to say. He was completely at loss for words. How long had she known? Had she told Ty? What would he think of him if he knew? He would probably laugh in his face. Kit sighed. Livvy was still looking at him expectantly, waiting on an answer.

"If you know already, why did you ask?" he eventually said.

"I wanted to know if you would admit it. That you like him."

The whole conversation had been in whispers, as not to wake Ty or alert the others that something was up, but now Kit spoke normally. "I'm tired," he said so that everyone could hear him. Ty was still lying with his head in Kit's lap, which made it kind of awkward to get up and leave, so he gently scooped Ty into his arms and deposited him onto Livvy.

He left without saying a word to anyone.


Kit stood up when Ty walked down the hallway. Ty wasn't expecting Kit to be there. Why would he? Kit probably couldn't care less about Ty, especially because he was doing grieving of his own for Livvy. Ty knew that they had been close. They had kissed, after all. He had read somewhere that losing a romantic partner could be worse than losing a family member. Kit was probably feeling awful.

"Have you been crying?" Kit asked quietly.

Ty blinked. He had forgotten that he had cried in Livvy's room. "Yeah. I guess I have."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good now. I just had to do something. It was hard, but I'm good. What about you? She was close to you too, not just me."

"I'm fine, Ty. don't worry about me. You lost your twin sister. It's ok to not be ok."

"I know, Kit, but the thing is, I actually am okay. I made peace with it."

"Oh. Okay. Good for you."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess I was just worried."

"About me?"


Kit stopped. He hadn't meant to say that.

"I have to go. I told Diana that I would train this afternoon." He said in a hurry.

"Oh, okay. See you later, I guess." Ty replied with a slight frown on his face. He started fiddling with his shirt as Kit walked off, wishing Livvy was there to explain to him what it was, exactly, that he felt for the other boy.

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