Part 6

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Kit took Ty straight to his room once they got back to the institute. He asked Lizzy to wait outside,so that he could talk to Ty about what had happened. They sat next to each other on Ty's bed, in silence until Kit broke it.

"Have I done something to upset you?"

"No." Ty replied. "What made you think that?"

"You ran."


"When you saw me in the training room. As soon as you looked at me you ran."

"Oh. I just had to get some air. It was just a coincidence that I had looked at you."

"Are you sure? You seemed pretty anxious to get away from me."

"It's fine, Kit."

"What did I do to upset you?" He didn't know why he was still pushing. Ty was clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Nothing. It's fine."

"Come on, Ty. I'm your best friend." Kit's voice softened. "You can tell me anything."

"Kit. It's fine. Just let it go."

"Okay. If you say so. But I'm here for you Ty. Whatever you need."

"Thankyou, Kit. Really. I appreciate it."

"Okay. Try to get some sleep. You need it."

"I will."

Kit left without another word.

Lizzy was waiting outside the door for Kit.

"You never answered my question, Kit."

"What question?"

"Who is Livvy?"

Kit sighed. "They were going to be parabatai, Ty and Livvy. He loved her more than he loved anyone else in the world. They were, in many ways, already parabatai. Just without the rune. She was everything to him. His other half. His twin sister."

"Was?" She questioned.

"Yeah. She died a couple of weeks ago. It's been so hard on him. On everyone, yes, but him the most."

"I guess it's part of the job description isn't it?" She replied. "That you will most likely die."

Lizzy said it wistfully, like she was sorry but not really sure how to show it. They didn't say much after that, each going to their individual rooms to sleep away the exhaustion of everything that  had happened.

Sorry this chapter is kind of bad. I didn't have any ideas, but the next one will hopefully be better.

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