Part 14

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For the first time since Livvy died, Ty was happy.

Not the sort of happy where you tell yourself you are because you think you should be, but truly happy. And as he looked at the boy across from him, the boy who had just kissed him, he smiled a real smile.

Livvy was gone, and it hurt. It would always hurt.

But he had the boy sitting across from him. The boy that he had come to love. And maybe, with this boy, things would get better. Maybe they were looking to a brighter future.


The next day, Simon Lovelace arrived with important news.

"Hi guys!" He greeted them when he opened the door.

"Hey Simon! What's up?" Emma stepped forward to address him.

Simon smiled. "Well, there is news," he paused, "There has been a dreadful accident. At least twenty shadowhunters have died. Zara Dearborn, her father have passed away, and someone else that they Clave said you might know. Lizard Lovelace? I think she went by Lizzy?"

Ty looked around at his family. They were all smiling. He felt someone squeeze his hand and looked up to see a pair of bright blue eyes looking into his grey ones.

Kit smiled at Ty, causing the dark haired boy to laugh. Things just couldn't get any better, could they?

Suddenly there was a high pitched shriek and Ty looked up to see Emma screeching and pointing at their joined hands.


She ran over to the two boys, hugging them tightly. "I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS! YOU MAKE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE AGAHGAHAGHAAG I CAN'T HANDLE IT."

Kit shot a look at Ty before talking. "Thanks, I guess. Please don't kill me."

"Oh, don't worry Kit. We aren't going to kill you. Well, if you hurt Ty, we have weapons and we'll find you, but apart from that you're a wonderful edition! I can't wait until you guys grow up so you can get married. You're just so adorable." Emma was smiling so much that she looked like her face was about to fall off.

Ty stepped so that he was partially behind Kit, the raven haired boy not being a fan of all the attention. The blond stroked his hand reassuringly, smiling a fond smile.

"Don't worry guys. I would never hurt Ty."



Everyone except Kit and Ty were somehow dragged into a game of Monopoly. Knowing how long it takes to finish a game, the two boys decided instead to go to the beach and watch the ocean.

Somehow Ty ended up lying down with his head on Kit's leg, looking up at the sky above him. He closed his eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of the waves washing up on the sand, and knew that there wasn't anywhere else he would rather be. 

"What happens now?"

Ty opened his eyes and looked up at the blond haired boy who had just spoken. He opened his mouth to reply, before closing it again. He had nothing to say. What did happen now? Annabel was still out there, of course, but Zara, her father and Lizzy were dead. 

"I don't know."

Kit looked down at Ty, a mischievous smile taking over his face. "We could always get married like Emma suggested."

The dark haired boy felt Kit laughing, the action shaking his body, and couldn't help but join in.

And who knows. Maybe one day they will get married.

Hello to my fabulous readers. Sorry that my updates have been irregular, I've just been really busy with other things like reading and watching tv shows and generally not having a life. Enjoy that badly written chapter brought to you by caffeine and two hours of sleep.

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