Part 10

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Ty didn't realise he had fallen onto the ground until he heard Kit calling his name.

"Ty! TY! Are you okay?!" Kit's bare feet slapped against the  ground as he ran to Ty's side. His face came into Ty's line of vision, just as he heard Lizzy call out to Kit.

"Come on, Kit. Lets go shopping. He's not worth it." She said flatly as she got closer to them.

"Lizzy, I want to see if he's okay--"

"No, Kit. He is not worth it. He is just a weird, gay, out of place shadowhunter who will never fit in with the rest of us. You think he cares about you? You think a weirdo like him could ever have feelings at all? No. He can't. He will never be normal. Leave him. The floor is where he belongs. Below us."

Ty could feel tears brimming in his eyes, and when he blinked they rolled down his cheeks.

"You really think that?" He whimpered, sitting up slowly.

"Yes," she replied, "And Kit does too. Don't you, Kit?"

Kit moved so fast Ty could only see a blur of gold hair and black clothes. He heard a loud slap, and looked up to see that Kit had slapped Lizzy across the face. A red mark was already forming where he had hit her.

"Do not talk about Ty like that," He hissed. "Yes, he is different. But there is nothing wrong with being different! No one wants to be normal. Normal is boring. Being different is like a gift." He turned to look at Ty.

"You are a gift, Ty. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He breathed.

Lizzy ran out of the room, slamming the door with such force that it shook the walls. Kit sat down on the floor next to Ty, wrapping his arms around the other boy. They were both sobbing, shaking uncontrollably, but they were together. They had each other.

Wow this story is really all over the place. I'm not even sure where it's going anymore. Oh well. At least I actually have some ideas of what to do with it now.

Sorry that chapter was short, but at least it longer than the previous one.

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