Everyone is going to be mad at Dream after this chapter

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Nobodys P.O.V
The rest of the day Ink hung out with her friends trying not to think about how far Dream would go to get her. She knew nobody was safe around her. Nightmare was upgrading her room. It was now magic proof. There were no windows and the door was basically indestructible. Nightmare wanted to make sure Ink was safe. Cross had told him he'd gaurd Inks room just in case Dream managed to get inside. Nightmare  hesitated  to say yes. If there was anything he cared for in the world it was Cross. He didn't want him to be hurt but he knew Cross was tough. Night time came and Error put Ink to bed in her new "safe" room. Cross stood outside the door guarding it. "I hope this works." He said to himself. Nightmare walked to Cross. "Oh hey babe." Cross said. Nightmare slightly blushed. "Just...please be safe. If he gets in here there is no telling what he'll do  to get to her" Nightmare told him as he cuffed his hand around Cross's cheek. Cross hugged Nightmare. "I'll be ok babe. I'm untouchable!" Cross said. This only made Nightmare worry more. Cross may be tough but he lacked in focus. Nightmare sighed and hugged him back. "Alright, alright ill leave you alone for now." Nightmare said. Cross kissed Nightmare. Nightmare kissed back and blushed a bright blue all while Error watched. They stopped and Error teleported away. Nightmare slowly walked away worried about Cross and Ink. Cross waited by the door not worried. At all. He thought he'd be fine and that Dream wouldn't come at all. Cross soon got bored and started playing with his sword (kids don't do that don't play with knives) he didn't realize the figure of Dream near by.

Dreams P.O.V
I saw Cross standing by Inks door. I'm surprised I got this far since she didn't have a window anymore. Cross put his sword away. I grabbed my staff and threw it at him taking away half his hp and putting a crack in his skull causing him to scream in pain and fall to the floor. I picked up his sword and stabbed him with it causing him to pass out. He was now at 1 hp and covered in blood. I walked into Inks room and crushed the whistle she had around her neck. I picked her up and she started crying and kicking. I covered her mouth and nose after a while she passed out of air loss. I ran down the stairs and out the door. Finally...I got her.

Nightmares P.O.V
I heard Cross scream. It was a painful scream. I put my jacket on and ran to him. I saw him passed out on the floor with one hp and Ink was gone. I felt like I was going to cry. I picked Cross up bridle style and hugged him as I cried. I saw Dreams staff and instantly got angry as I kept crying. "You've gone to far this time brother...THIS MEANS WAR!" I yelled

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I just really wanted you guys to read it. I promise things will be better soon and if you have any questions for me or the characters plz write them in the comments and we will do our best to answer them! Also if you like this story please check out some of my other books a new one will be out soon.

-Love Carmel (me)

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