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Uf Flowey POV
I was in Inks room looking out the window. She trusted me for some reason. That glitch didn't though. He tried to kill me a lot. The door opened and I saw Error walk in. "What do you want." I whispered. "I want you to know if ever hurt her you WILL be dust." He said. "I-I know." I replied. He picked Ink up and hugged her. "She means a lot to me and the others." He said. "Are you crying?" I asked. "I-I'm just thinking about when Dream kidnapped her...I remember how scared and sad and lonely I felt...she's my best friend...but she feels like a daughter to me." He said. "...I know how it feels...to have someone you really care about taken away from you....just be lucky you got her back..." I replied. He cried more. "Flowey...im scared she'll be taken forever if I leave her." He told me. "I understand...I promise to protect her when you aren't around if it makes you feel better." I offered. "Thank you Flowey....it's good to know she'll be safe when I'm not there for her." He said. He smiled.  I also smiled. "You look like you haven't slept in days." I said. "Try weeks." He replied.

I heard Error and Flowey talking. They didn't know I was awake. I smiled. I liked it when my friends got along. "Error you need to sleep." I said. "Wait Inky were you awake the whole time?" Error asked. I nodded. Flowey kept smiling. A few minuets later we were all asleep on the floor. Error was hugging me I was hugging his arm and Flowey was right by our arms.

The next day

Nightmare POV
In the morning I went to wake Ink up only to see Error Ink and Flowey all sleeping on the floor. I smiled and let them sleep. Then I went to Dreams cell only to see he wasn't there. And Blue was gone to. I instantly started to panic. What am I gonna tell Error!? What am I gonna do!?

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