They found them!

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Error POV
We searched all day. When we were just about to head back and get Inky we saw Dream running. I grabbed him with my strings and Blue came out of the bushes. Nightmare grabbed him. "PUT ME DO-" dream said before I tightened my strings. "Quiet." I commanded. He stayed quiet. "Now that we caught you two your going to suffer for kidnapping her...taking her from us..." I said. I opened a portal to the castle. I threw Dream in and Nightmares walked through the portal with Blue. The others fallowed. I closed the portal and ran to Undynes house. I knocked on the door. Undyne opened it and pulled me inside. I saw Ink crying in a corner. "Inky what's wrong?" I asked as I ran to her. "Error!" She said excitedly. She hugged me and stopped crying. "I missed you!" "I missed you to Inky." I replied hugging back. She was so small so delicate. I almost forgot what it felt like to be with her. It felt good and usually cheerful because she was always so happy. I put her on my head. "Dose my little Inky wanna go home now?" I asked. She giggled and nodded. I smiled and opened a portal home. I walked through it making sure she didn't fall off my head. She was so cute! I took her off my head and she hugged everyone. Then she ran to me and kissed my cheek. "Aww" I said as I hugged her. "I promise I will protect you better." I said. Tears formed in my eyes. "I can't loose you again." "Error...why do you guys take care of me?" She asked. "Because we love you Ink. We love you so so so much." I replied. She hugged me. I hugged back.

"I love you guys to..." I said. He smiled. Nighttime came and Error took me to his house. "Wanna go to bed or watch tv?" He asked. "" I said. He smiled and nodded. He turned on the tv as I got in his jacket. We both giggled. His jacket was warm and cozy. I felt comfortable. I fell asleep after a few minutes. Only to wake up to a fully dark room. Nobody was there it was pitch black. Then a light came on and I saw Dream standing there smiling creepily with a knife in hand and blood all over his clothes. He ran at me but disappeared before he stabbed me. Then I saw Bluberry and a woman fighting. The woman looked a lot like....ME!? A much older version of me. I woke up and I was crying a lot. I was on Errors couch and I heard him in the kitchen. "E-Error? Is that you?" I asked. He ran to me. "Bad dream?" He asked. I nodded. He wiped my tears away. "It's ok Inky it's wasn't real..." He said in a calm voice. "I-I know" I replied.

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