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"Please welcome, Y/N L/N!" Jimmy Fallon squeals excitedly as I make my way from behind the scenes, walking across the platform and waving at the live studio audience. Jimmy stands up from his desk as he waves me over. I walk over to him and give him a hug. It was nice. Kind and gentle, like a motherly hug. The cheering from the crowd comes to an end as I sit down on the chair beside Jimmy's desk.
"Oh. My. Gosh. Y/N L/N!" Jimmy yells, his wide smile growing inch by inch. I giggle at him as the audience cheers once again. "Guys, it's just me! I'm nothing special." I playfully wink at them as they laugh. "Come on! You are amazing! You're all over head covers of magazines, news posts and catalogs! You are doing great, Y/N!" Jimmy retorts as he leans forward in his seat. "Yeah, that part still bewilders me. I mean, I'm on the Tonight Show with Jimmy fuckin-- Am I allowed to say fuck?" I ask nervously as Jimmy laughs hysterically. "It'll be bleeped, don't worry." He reassures me. I nod and continue. "Anyways, like I was saying, I'm on the Tonight Show with Jimmy fucking Fallon. I love you by the way." Jimmy blushes and laughs. "Aww I love you too!" I wave my hand in front of my face, mimicking like it was getting hot. The crowd laughs as I pull on my shirt collar and whistle. "I'm sorry Mrs. Fallon, I might've just stolen your man." The crowd goes crazy and so does Jimmy. "HONEY, I LOVE YOU!" Jimmy looks at the camera and does a kissy face. "But anyways, yeah. It still bewilders me as to how I got here. I mean, I'm just a nerdy fangirl who loves candy and stays inside, away from the hot death ball that you humans call 'the sun.' I mean, one day I was sitting inside with my other nerd friends watching the Harry Potter series, and now I'm all over covers of magazines, TV Shows and movie posters, while I'm inside with my nerdy friends watching the Harry Potter series."
"So, you seem to like Harry Potter a lot." Jimmy asks curiously. "Yeah, I mean, who doesn't? But it does cause for some awkward celeb meet-ups. Like just recently, about a week or so ago, I was at a movie premier party where I met Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton. I may have accidentally started fan-girling over the both of them." The crowd laughs at the relatable scenario. "Well how did they react?" Jimmy chuckles. "Daniel, bless his soul, laughed at me and said that he liked that side of me. Tom, on the other hand, started fan-girling too and automatically became my best friend because we're both Slytherins." I giggled, remembering what all happened. "That's an odd pair to meet at the same time. You met mortal enemies. If you were in the movies, which side would you be on? Draco's or Harry's?" Jimmy inquires. "Umm.. Like I said, I'm a Slytherin, so I doubt Harry would trust me because I'm a 'foul loathsome evil little cockroach.' Not to mention, I didn't really like The Golden Trio when I read the books and watched the movies." I gritted my teeth and made an awkward face. "What? Why?" Jimmy looks at me in a shocked way. "Well, they always stuck their noses into business that wasn't theirs, they always had to be center of attention, and most importantly they blamed people that weren't in the wrong. They had no evidence to support themselves, but yet their 'Gryffindor courage' made them defend their opinion. Now, I'm not saying they're always wrong, they did do somethings right. But like the case of Severus Snape. Everyone always hated him, Harry always blamed him, and everyone thought he was always the bad guy. In reality, he was the one doing the most good." I explained, letting my inner conspirator out. "And Severus is my second favorite character, so I have to defend him." The crowd laughed. "Well, who's your top favorite?" Jimmy wiggles his eyebrows and smirked as he looked at the camera. Everyone laughs, even I. "Umm.. I don't wanna' ruin friendships with every single Harry Potter fan and cast member, but Draco Malfoy is my favorite." I giggle nervously as everyone gasps. "Why is he your favorite? Isn't he bad?" Jimmy asks quizzically. "Oh my god, I go through this whole discussion almost every day with my nerd friends." I laugh and face palm. "Okay, so here's my look on it. Draco was a prick because he wanted to keep up his pureblood reputation that his family pressed on him. He just wanted to be excepted by his peers and family, his father most of all. Lucius Malfoy was so mean and hateful towards his child, that it power-drilled hierarchy rules into his brain. He was so hateful to Harry, I think, because he saw how easily Harry was praised, even though he did little to nothing. Draco worked his ass off, since he was a baby, for something so little as his father's love." Everyone awes at my speech. "But in my not-so-humble opinion, Draco is the hottest character." I giggle as Jimmy laughs. "I mean, damn. People talk about how much of a glow up Neville got; but so did Draco. In his 1st and 2nd years, his hair was slicked back and he looked like a wet rat-- I'm sorry Tom-- but when he came back for his 3rd year, DAMN, he got hot. He stopped gelling his hair, letting it go all messy and cute, and he grew like a foot tall! Harry had to look up at him when they talked!" Everyone laughs wildly, even Jimmy. "Is there anything in the movies that make you mad?" Jimmy tries his hardest not to bust out laughing as I pinch the bridge of my nose and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Don't even make me start.. Okay, so, Pansy Parkinson and Dolores Umbridge are the things that first come to my mind. Dolores makes me angry because she's a sad excuse for a Slytherin and she's literally insane. Pansy makes me mad because through most of the movies, she's trying to get with my man. Nobody, I mean NOBODY steals my Draco away from me." I wink at the camera. "Oh my god, Tom is gonna' think I'm insane." I whisper loud enough for the microphone to pick up. Everyone laughs. "Wait-- The producers are telling me to check Twitter. Can you check it, Y/N?" Jimmy inquires. I nod my head as I grab my phone from my jacket pocket. I unlock it, clicking the Twitter app that's on my home page. The first thing that pops up is

Lemme Slyther-in ;)

I cover my mouth with my hand as I start laughing hard. Tears prick my eyes as I try to calm down. "What? What happened?" Jimmy asks frantically. I can't say anything, so I just hand over my phone. He reads for a few seconds, but as he reads the last part, his face lights up. He starts his laughing fit just like mine.
Everyone is confused as to why we're dying of laughter, until finally the prompter shows the tweet. Everyone reads, then the studio explodes with laughter. It's so contagious that Jimmy and I start laughing even harder.
"Y-Y/N, it's a world wide trending topic!" Jimmy exclaims, still laughing. My eyes widen as I laugh even harder, tears streaming down my face. I finally contain myself, only enough to speak a proper sentence. "TOM! Oh my god, I HATE YOU! Rehearsals for the movie that I'm starring in with him starts next week! I'm not even gonna' be able to look at him. I'm so gonna' kick his ass." I catch my breath from all the laughing as I wipe the tears away.
"Oh my gosh, look at the time! Be looking out for more updates on Tom and Y/N in the upcoming movie, 'Do You Think I'm Okay?' Thank you so much Y/N for being on the show tonight!" I get up and hug him, releasing from the quick hug almost immediately. "Thank you everyone so much for watching, goodnight!" Jimmy waves at the camera as I wave at the audience and vice-versa. Jimmy grasps my hand gently as we walk off the platform. Once we get back stage, we immediately bust out laughing over what happened.
It was a good night,
Thanks Tom.

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