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Oh my Merlin I'm flipping the fuck out. I'm sick today and that just made me SO happy. Last night I hit 500 on another story of mine. I can't thank you guys enough for reading AND voting all the time! So, I hope you guys like this extra long chapter!

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. I groaned agitatedly as I gripped tighter onto Tom's also awaking body. "Y/N, GET UP! COME ON, COME ON, COME ONNNN!" I heard Emma scream giddily as she continued to jump on my bed beside me. "Emma, shut the fuck up before I personally hurt you." I mumbled viciously as I squeezed my face into the crook of Tom's neck. "Not so friendly this morning, huh?" I heard Rupert joke. "Y/N, you and Tom look so adorable!" Emma squeaked quietly. I smiled into Tom's neck softly. I could hear him laugh slightly and feel the vibrations on my face. "Y/N, stop! That tickles.." He whispers as he clutches my hips. I giggled quietly, only tickling him more. "I can't deal with you tickling me and Emma's annoying wake up call. I'm getting up." He chuckled quietly as he gets up and grabs his spare clothes, walking into my bathroom. "NO, NOW I'M SO COLD!" I screeched as I hid my head under the covers. I could hear Emma and Rupert awe from above. "Where did Daniel go?" I called from under the covers. "He went downstairs to get coffee. Get up so we can go get some too!" Emma continued to jump. I groaned as I exited the covers, getting up and shivering. "I hate you guys.." I grumbled as I fixed my messy bun. "Yup, she's definitely a Slytherin." Rupert commented. "I would've hexed you by now if I could." I retorted as I left my room with Emma and Rupert trailing behind me.
I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. "Ah, mistress, you're finally awake." William smiled as he handed me my coffee. I smiled back tiredly as I sat down on a kitchen stool beside Daniel. "Thank you William." I thanked my butler after I swallowed a sip of the nice, warm coffee. He nodded and left into the living room, most likely cleaning. "Make yourselves at home." I said in between sips. "This is already a second home for me." Emma smiled as she made herself some morning tea. "How often do you come here, Emma?" Rupert asks as he opens my fridge. "Almost every weekend." Emma says as sits down opposite of me. Rupert pours himself some orange juice and sits down opposite of Daniel. "You guys can now call this your second home as well. I would love for us to all hangout more often." I smiled as I set down my cup. Daniel and Rupert nodded as they both took a sip of their drinks. "So, you and Tom, huh?" Daniel winks. I blush and shake my head frantically. "He has a girlfriend!" I whisper shyly as I nudge Daniel in the ribs with my elbow. He hisses in pain and glares at me. I shrug my shoulders innocently.
"What have I missed?" I hear Tom coming down the stairs. "Nothing." I say quickly, getting up and grabbing a fresh strawberry muffin. William always makes the best muffins. "We're making Y/N embarrassed because we all saw you guys cuddling while you slept." Rupert jokes playfully with a smirk. "Whatever, we were just cold and happened to be in the same bed. He had nowhere else to go besides for sleeping next to Daniel, and I don't think he'd very much like that. Anyways, he has a girlfriend, so it meant nothing. Right Tom?" I turned around after my rant to see everyone staring at me astonishingly, Tom's face looking sort of hurt. He quickly hid it and smiled a fake smile. "Right, it was nothing. Nothing at all." He gritted his teeth as he said that. I nodded slowly as I took a bite of my muffin, leaning against the kitchen counter and looking down at my bare feet. There was an intense awkward silence until I spoke up. "So, when are you all leaving?" I questioned, trying to break the tension. "I'm planning on staying here all day, if you don't mind." Emma smiled as she washed out her empty glass. "Rupert and I both have things we need to do today, so we'll be off shortly." Daniel said as he took a bite of a bagel. I looked up at Tom with a curious glint in my eyes. "And you?" I said half heartedly. "My girlfriend wants me home, even though I'd like to stay. She gets a little jealous sometimes, wants me all to herself, you know?" Tom sadly chuckled. "I'm surprised she even allowed you to stay over." I hissed. I didn't mean for that to sound angry or anything, I just let my emotions show, I guess. "Sorry, I didn't mean for what I just said to sound like that. I don't know what came over me." I laughed quietly as I took another bite of muffin to shut myself up. I looked down at my feet again, only to feel Tom's stare burning into me and my soul. "Well, Rupert and I should be off. I brought your bag down here so we could leave quickly." Daniel smiled as he placed his cup in the sink. Rupert did too as Daniel grabbed their bags.
"Thank you so much, I had so much fun. We need to do this again soon." Daniel whispered sweetly as he kissed my cheek and hugged me. I smiled as I kissed his jawline and released from the hug. "Yes, thank you so much. I really had fun." Rupert thanked me as he hugged me quickly. We separated as Rupert left with Daniel, them waving goodbye to me as they closed my front door. I placed my cup carefully into the sink, running water in all of the newly emptied cups. "Y/N, I'm gonna' go change into some regular comfy clothes." Emma said as she ran upstairs to my room. I nodded as I started doing the dishes, trying to avoid eye contact with Tom.
I suddenly felt a presence beside me. I glanced over to see Tom leaning against the counter, looking down at me and my busy hands. "You don't like my girlfriend, do you?" He asked softly. "Why would you think that?" I falsely smiled as I scrubbed harder at a dirty plate. "When someone mentions her or anything about her, you get either quiet or emotional." Tom says blatantly. I set the plate down rather harshly and turned to look at him. "I have nothing wrong with your girlfriend, Tom. I have no fucking clue what you're on about. Don't you need to be heading home to her anyways?" I growled as I looked back down at the plate, continuing to wash it. "I haven't left yet because I enjoy the time we spend together. Even though I love my girlfriend, I love you too, Y/N. I really liked last night. I just don't know what's gotten into you." Tom pleads as he turns to face me. "Nothing has 'gotten into me.' I'm fine, you're fine, everything's fine." I mumbled as I set the plate down on the drying rack and grabbed another one. "Y/N, remember, I know you're lying. There's no use in trying to lie to me." Tom begs slightly. "No, Tom, I'm fine." I glanced over at the nearby clock that hung on the kitchen wall. "It's 7:08, you probably need to go." I said emotionlessly. He sighed dramatically as he went over and grabbed his bag. "I'll see you at rehearsals tomorrow." Tom grumbled as he walked over to my front door, opening it and pausing, looking over at me with hopeful eyes. I just smiled sadly as I looked back down at the plate I was washing. I heard Tom sigh once again as he slightly slammed the door. I placed the other newly cleaned plate on the drying rack beside the other one, turning off the faucet and drying my hands with a towel. I threw the towel to the side, leaning back against the counter and crossing my arms across my chest. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and breathed deeply.
I heard running down the stairs so I opened my eyes to see Emma in a navy blue crop top and my sapphire blue velvety shorts. She likes to wear some of my stuff sometimes, like sisters do. She leaned against the stairwell railing and smiled widely at me.
"What did I miss?"

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