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(Holy shit you guys, everyone's going crazy war zone in the last chapter's comment section.
I didn't realize I had gained this many more fans during the winter break.
I love you all, and your yelling motivates me. 😂♥️
For my lack of writing, this chapter will have some major cliff hangers and some foreshadowing, so grab a snack, a drink, a blanket, and be on the lookout.)

I pushed myself back up with my left hand, my right hand still covering my mouth. I slowly tiptoed backwards, trying not to step on any creaky boards as I snuck down the hall. As I got a safe distance away from the door, I turned around quickly, about to sprint away, but instead, I accidentally tackled someone. That someone being Miss Barbie Princess Willow herself. She groaned, instantly pushing me off and standing up, fixing her hair and revealing black dress.

"What the hell is your problem?" She hissed, pushing up her fake eyelashes. "What's MY problem? Why we're YOU coming down MY hallway?" I growled back, standing back up and dusting myself off. She rolled her eyes, smacking loudly on a piece of bubble gum. "I was looking for my boyfriend. He's taking forever and I wanna leave." She scowled as she shoved passed me, basically knocking me into the corridor wall. Before she could walk any further away, I stuck my foot out in front of her stiletto heels, tripping her.
She fell face down, the wind getting knocked out of her as her stomach and chest hit the floor. I crossed my arms, smirking a satisfied smile. "Next time, have more manors when you're the guest in someone's home, k?" And with that, I walked away, going back into the kitchen with the guys.

Daniel was kindly doing the dishes as Rupert wiped the messy and flour covered counters. Finn was doing a live stream, answering questions and making Harry Potter jokes about the Golden Trio he was with. I smiled, reminiscing in these memories that were being made on this day, but slowly frowning at the news that I just heard. I didn't know whether to be excited and happy or worried and scared. All the emotions that I felt for Tom were being reciprocated back. Most people would be ecstatic after hearing that their crush liked them back, but me.. Not so much.
I felt like a storm was coming our way. A horrible, heart breaking, thunder and lightning filled storm. I felt the nervous pit in my stomach grow as I kept on thinking about it, so I softly shook my head, returning to the happy little family of friends that were currently in my kitchen, laughing away like nothing bad could ever happen as long as they were together, cleaning up the mess that they had all made.
It was a heartwarming sight, something that brings a smile to your face and makes your chest flutter, even on the worst of days.

I walked over, sitting on a chair next to Finn, in the camera shot as well. The comment section exploded once they saw me, lots of relieved paragraphs were sent through. I smiled at them, my negative thoughts getting thrown out the window as the loving words of my fans entered, making me feel instantly okay.

"Looky here everyone, Miss L/N has finally decided to join us." Finn sarcastically snips at me, nudging me with his elbow. I laughed, shoving him back. "Shut up, Wolfhard. This is my bloody house, I can be wherever I want, whenever I want." He laughed back, looking at the comment section for a few seconds.
Daniel turned around and grinned at me, continuing to do the dishes. "So where's the other 3?" He questions as he turns back to the sink. "Still down the hall talking. With Willow now down there, I suppose they'll be coming out soon enough." I roll my eyes, taking a bite of my now slightly cold pizza. Daniel nodded, continuing to smile as Rupert cackled at my diss. Finn remained reading the comments, in his own little world as he took sips of his Dr Pepper.

5 minutes passed and I finished my pizza, getting up to put my dish in the sink. Before I could even take a step away from my chair, Daniel stopped me, snatching my plate from me and cleaning it himself.
"I can do that myself, you know?" He chuckled, placing the dish in the dishwasher after he rinsed it off. "I know. I just wanna thank you in some way for having us over. I know we made a mess, so it's the least we could do." He turned off the tap, turning around and leaning against the counter. I nodded, walking over and hugging him, whispering a thanks as I stuffed my face in his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne. He wrapped his arms around the middle of my back, rocking us side to side comfortingly.

We stayed there for a minute, the world disappearing around us as the warmth of each other's bodies mixed, causing pure comfort as we continued to rock side to side. Daniel leaned down slowly, kissing the top of my head before placing his chin on my head, sighing contently. As he did that, my heart seemed to jump..

The same way it did with Tom..

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