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Ummm gUYS? We're gaining readers QUICKLY on this book. We're so fucking close to 8K now, it's unbelievable.
Thank you all so, SO much. I wouldn't still be writing if I didn't have you all.
I apologize for the chapter being short, and just a small filler for my absence, but I wanted to make a little fun chapter to make up for my lack of writing.
I'll add another chapter soon, I swear. But for now, enjoy this one.
It has our favorite world's first & only consulting detective in it. ;)

"Y/N! It's your second time on the show. The audience missed you, the Roots missed you, I missed you, everyone missed you. You are absolutely amazing on this show! Honestly, I think you could take my job right here and now."
The audience giggled and I face palmed, smiling widely. Jimmy Fallon silently laughed, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Jimmy stop; I've already had to apologize to your wife before, I don't want to have to apologize again." I wink at the camera, everyone laughing, remembering the events that happened during my last visit on the show.

"I know you're working on a movie right now, but are there any movies you're excited to go see yourself?" Jimmy asks, taking a sip out of his branded coffee mug. I thought for a second, looking around the studio. "Umm.. as you know, I'm excited for part 2 of IT. But I'm also screaming for Avengers: Infinity War."
The audience applauded in agreement.

"Really? You never really struck me as a Marvel girl." Higgins said, causing the audience to 'ooo'. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I know. But this movie is bringing everyone that I love together; and I'm pumped." I smiled brightly before taking a sip out of the mug Jimmy gave me when I sat down.

"Who do you love that's in this movie? List some actors or characters." Jimmy leaned back in his chair, ready to listen. "Umm.. Tom Hiddleston as Loki. I love him AND Loki both.
Chris Hemsworth is pretty cool, he's a nice guy, but Thor would have to be my favorite Avenger. I've always been a mythology geek.
Umm.. The Guardians of the Galaxy gang is a top favorite, Chris Pratt plays Starlord like a pro. I'm excited to see them work with the Avengers.
Tom Holland as Spider Man. He's cute, I liked him a LOT in Homecoming.
And uh... OOO, Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Steven Strange. He's my favorite character, but Big Ben has always been one of my favorite actors. Sherlock is a pure hottie." I smirked at the camera, the women in the audience cheering and whooping in agreement.

"Yeah, see? All the ladies in the house are on the same page as me." I chuckled, the audience laughing as well. "Well you know, Benedict is here tonight. Back stage, actually. He'll be on later in the show." Jimmy grinned mischievously. I blushed and smiled, looking down at my black heels.
"Yeah, I saw him backstage and almost had a heart attack. He was making jokes with one of the producers, and when he turned to look my way, I bolted." I face palmed again, cringing slightly as the whole studio laughed.

"You.." Jimmy could barely speak as he wheezed in between his words. "You bolted? Like.. Like sprinted away from him?" He banged his fist on the table, his eyes starting to water slightly. "Yes, oh my god. I didn't want his God like eyes to land on something as trash as me." I giggled, running a hand through my hair.

"Did he.. Did he see you run?" Higgins asked, cackling as well.
"Umm.. I don't know. I was too busy trying not to trip over my heels like Jennifer Lorence. I'm praying to whoever that he didn't, though. That would be hella embarrassing." I grimaced at the thought.

"Well we could ask him, you know." Jimmy said, before busting out laughing at my reaction. I rolled out of the chair, landing on my knees. I started shaking my head 'no' and put my hands in a praying position. I jokingly started to cry, begging God not to let Ben come out.
The studio erupted with laughter, even the camera men were having a rough time keeping the cameras straight as they tried not to giggle along.

I wiped away the fake tears, getting up and sitting back in my seat, laughing silently. "I will literally strangle you if you dare bring that psychopath out here." I chuckle heartedly, taking a sip out of my mug, looking into the water.
"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do your research." I heard a deep, velvety voice come from across the studio.

My eyes flickered up, seeing Benedict walk over with a huge smile on his face, his sky-blue eyes twinkling. I choked on the water I was drinking, splashing it on face and getting some on my black 'Wednesday Adams' style dress.
The crowd roared, along with Benedict who was now hunched over with his hands on his knees, wheezing harshly.

I put the mug down, wiping my face and dress, drying myself off while silently giggling. "See everyone?

This is why I bolted from him."

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