I lied earlier. I said that third grade was the worst.

Fifth grade was actually the worst. The content was harder, and I understood less. I still did not have any friends.

Teachers liked to get angry about my drawings, and they were taken away a lot.

Michael Turner and Brian Thanes still called me Freakazoid. They liked to make fun of me more than before.

Not only was school hard, Mom and Dad began acting weird. They were not happy all of the time like they were when I was younger.

They were always tired. When they were tired, they would argue. They would argue loudly. I could sleep through it, but my younger brother, Zack would complain about the noise.

We slept in the same room together. I would sing songs to him that he liked, so he wouldn't listen to Mom and Dad arguing.

Once he was asleep, I would go to sleep.

On the nights where the arguing would get really bad, Lindsay would drive me, Zack and Lauren to McDonalds. That way, we wouldn't have to listen to them argue.

One day at school, I went up to Flower Boy at his locker. I eyed the "kick me" written on a sticky note, adhered to the back of his t-shirt.

I reached for it and took it off. "Michael Turner put this on your back," I stated before handing it to him.

He looked at the sticky note, before looking back at my face.

"Thanks," he stated simply, before turning back to his locker.

I lowered my hand, still holding the sticky note. I was not sure what I was supposed to say now. "Thank you," I blurted out.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "For what?"

"Third grade. You stood up to Michael Turner," I reminded him.

"Oh. You're welcome," he replied before smiling.

I gave a smile back, and was about to speak but Michael Turner interrupted.

Brian Thanes was with him, and they focused on Flower Boy. Michael Turner said that they had been in the office, and heard Mrs. Janice, the secretary on the phone with a Dr. Rivero.

They said that it had been on speaker phone. Dr. Rivero told Mrs. Janice that Mrs. Grassi had been robbed and shot. Mrs. Grassi was dead.

Flower Boy began to cry, but claimed not to believe them.

And then he was called to the office over the speakers. His sister was called to the office as well.

Michael Turner and Brian Thanes began to laugh. And then they told Flower Boy, "That's what happens to filthy trailer trash. It's gonna happen to you too."

I did not stand up for Flower Boy. I was too scared.

Instead, I just watched as the crying boy tried to punch Michael Turner. He was much smaller than the two bullies.

I watched silently as they shoved Flower Boy into his own locker, and closed the door.

I was not surprised when I was lifted off of the floor, and shoved into the locker next to Flower Boy's.

Michael Turner laughed as he slammed the door, locking me in.

I remained silent as Flower Boy cried from within the locker next to me.

Flower Boy did not come to school the next day. He did not come to school for over a month.

Two months.

Three months.

He did not come back to school for the rest of the school year.

Michael Turner and his friends would talk about him, and say mean things. But luckily, they never got to say those things to his face.   

A/N: *cough* I know Scott doesn't have a younger brother *cough* and idk which sister is older *cough*

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