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Dad was angry that I had left without saying anything, and all I could do was say sorry. I could not explain to him why I had left.

Once he was done reprimanding me, I asked if it was okay that I stayed with Mitch for the day. I still did not want to be near Zack.

Dad did not sound happy, but he still said yes, as long as I was home by 6 for dinner.

When I went back inside, Mitch was still asleep, and Mr. Grassi asked me politely to sit down at the table.

I looked at him warily, but did as I was told because I liked Mr. Grassi.

He set his newspaper down. "I wanted to say thank you," he stated simply.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I did not recall doing him any favors. "For what?"

He sighed. "Mitch took Nel's death very hard. I could hardly get him out of bed for months. But then the two of you started becoming friends. And ever since, I've never seen him so happy. He talks about you all the time. You're the best thing that's ever happened to him. He told me so."

I looked over in Mitch's direction, who was still fast asleep. "I am afraid that he does not like me as much as I like him," I informed Mr. Grassi in a somber tone.

Mr. Grassi sighed, "Something I've noticed about you, Scott...you always know how you feel. You know exactly who you are, and what you want. It's not that easy for most people," he informed me.

I was not sure how to reply, so I did not.

"Just...be patient with him," he added before standing up. "I have to run into town for a little while. Help yourself to anything in the fridge while you're waiting for Mitch to get up," he offered before stretching his arms over his head.

I simply nodded, although I felt wrong invading their home while Mitch was asleep.

Once Mr. Grassi left, I sat on the edge of the couch while I waited for Mitch to wake up.

Once he finally woke, he sat up. He yawned as he rubbed his eye tiredly.

"Your dad went into town to run errands," I informed him.

He dropped his hand from his eye, before looking at me. "You stayed," he noted.

I looked at him, confused, "Of course I stayed. Why would I not?"

He pulled his legs towards him, so he was sitting cross legged. He shrugged as he looked into his lap. "I thought you were mad at me."

I pondered it for a moment, looking at the wall, before looking back at him. "I was, because I do not know what you want. But I am not mad anymore, because that is okay," I explained.

Mitch nodded, but did not reply.

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