A/N: This story is taking a bit of a darker turn. You've been warned.

My heart pounded hard enough to bring back that feeling of suffocation. Once my gaze landed on the deadly metal in each of their hands, I backed up, moving so I was standing in front of Zack.

"Aww...how cute. You think a human shield will save you," Michael Turner taunted.

"We had a deal, and you broke it," Michael's friend informed us before shrugging.

I swallowed nervously, before glancing behind me at Zack. I looked back at the two guns pointing in our direction.

"Let him go," I murmured.

I heard Zack gasp softly, "Scott..." he warned.

"I'm the one who told. Kill me. Let him go," I demanded, looking at them confidently.

The unknown man chuckled, "It doesn't work that way. The deal was, you—"

"I know what the deal was," I cut him off, heatedly. "I broke the deal, he did nothing wrong," I spat.

My hands were shaky, and I was not sure how I was breathing. My eyes began to water, and I did not care whether or not Michael Turner saw me cry. Maybe if he got what he wanted, he would let Zack live.

The man looked at Michael. "Your call. You're the boss tonight."

A smirk claimed Michael's lips, making me swallow nervously. "Hmmm..." he drawled out, patronizing me.

My breathing picked up with frustration, "Do I have to beg? Is that what you want?" I spat through clenched teeth. "Take me, it's what you want. You don't even care about him. Let him go. Kill me, like you've always wanted to."

My eyes burned, and I could not see clearly.

"Listen, Scotty, as much as I would love to do you favor, I'm not going to," Michael stated with a shrug, before bounding forward.

I gasped when his fingers gripped onto my shoulder, yanking downwards. I winced as I was forced onto the floor, knees digging into the floor.

I let out a whimpering sound, trying to push him away, but it was no use. He was crouched in front of me, wearing a sadistic grin.

"Shh shh shh," he coaxed, tracing his gun roughly up my throat, until it was jamming into my temple.

I could not hide my tears, and Michael merely laughed. I could not explain the overwhelming fear, crushing everything I had left in me.

Michael looked toward his friend, "Take him downstairs, Freakazoid and I are gonna have a little chat," he ordered, nodding at Zack.

I flared my nostrils angrily, "Don't you dare touch him," I spat, trying to struggle free, but Michael's fingers wrapped around my throat, making me freeze. He pushed the barrel of his gun past my lips, silencing my threats.

My eyes landed on the other man as he grabbed Zack by the wrist, and dragged him through the door. I directed my watery glare back up at Michael who smirked at me, before removing his gun from my lips.

"I've always been told that certain feelings are wrong. A sin," he murmured, dragging his gun against my neck. "And you...Scott...you've made me want to sin. That's why I fucking hate your guts. I want you to die for making me even think about being a fag. I've almost given in a few times. Almost pinned you down and fucked your brains out. I think about it...I've dreamt about it...and it makes me sick. And for that, I just want to see the life leave those pretty blue eyes of yours," he explained, before jamming the end of his gun against my forehead.

My stomach churned with an overwhelming nausea, and I could hardly form a thought.

"Maybe I'll give up control, just once before I kill you," he whispered, moving in closer. Close enough for me to feel his breath against my ear.

Before he could speak, the sound of a gunshotrang from the floor beneath us.

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