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"Scott..." Mitch murmured. His tone was scared, and his hands were flat against my chest, pushing at me.

"Shh shh shh," I coaxed, kissing his neck softly.

Eventually I had him pushed down on the couch. He stopped resisting and merely gripped onto my biceps. My head spun the whole time, and it did not last long before the inebriation forced me into unconsciousness.


I woke up on an empty couch. I winced at the pounding in my head, and had a hard time fully processing the situation.

Mitch was in the kitchen, brewing coffee.

When I sat up, I watched as he walked towards me, holding two mugs.

He sat cross-legged on the couch, handing me a mug.

I took the mug cautiously, before looking at the bruising on his wrists. My vision instantly blurred, and the mug slipped from my hands at the realization.

Mitch looked at me, startled. "Hey, what's wrong?" he murmured, before looking down at the spilled coffee.

I put my hands over my mouth, before shaking my head. "Last night...I didn't m—I didn't—it was not consensual," I choked out before squeezing my eyes shut.

"Shh shh shh," Mitch whispered as he set his mug down and scooted closer, trying to comfort me, "I just...I just wasn't really in the mood. But I still consented."

I shook my head again, "Only because I pressured you," I whispered, before pulling away, and stumbling into a standing position.

I doubled over, overwhelmed with nausea.

Mitch sighed in defeat, knowing I was right. "You didn't mean to."

"It does not matter if I meant to, I still did it. I hurt you," I choked out, "Oh god."

My legs failed me, and moments later, my backwas hitting the inside of the door, and my breath caught in my throat.Worthless apologies spilled out, but I doubt any of it was coherent.    

"Scott, shh shh, please calm down," Mitch pleaded, stepping toward me.

I shook my head, and put up my hands, stopping him. "Do not come any closer, I do not wanna hurt you again," I choked out desperately.

My fingers kneaded themselves into my hair, grasping violently. "No," I choked out, before sliding down against the wall, landing on the floor.

My chest burned, and I felt like I was going to vomit.

"No," I repeated.

I only winced when the side of my head collided with the wall. Once. Twice. Three times.

"No! No no no no no no no." Each hit to the wall hurt more, and screaming only increased the pain.

"Scott. Scott, please stop!" Mitch pleaded, crouching down and grabbing my shoulders.

The sound around me started to fade, the more I hit my head. I could see Mr. Grassi. He looked frightened.

Mitch tried pulling me away from the wall, but it was no use. I could not stop hitting my head. It hurt, and I could feel blood, but I could not stop.

Mitch stumbled out of the way as Mr. Grassireached down, yanking me away from the wall.

I continued to scream and pull at my hair as he lifted me off of the ground and tried to console me.

The side of my head felt hot under the thick blood running down the side of my face, my neck; soaking into my shirt.

The dizziness made it difficult to keep thrashing, but I continued anyway. I pushed, clawed...did anything I could to get away.

"Let me go," I hissed, flailing around uselessly.

Mr. Grassi tightened his grip on me, restraining his arm over my chest, before barking at Jessa to find his keys.

As soon as my blurry vision made out Mitch, heaped on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, my stomach dropped.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a scream, hoping it would help in some way, but it was no use.

My hand balled into a fist, overwhelmed by anger. I grunted as I brought my elbow back, colliding with Mr. Grassi's waist.

I collapsed forward when his grip loosened, and he stumbled backwards.

The world around me spun, blurring more with each movement. I let out another scream as I dragged myself back to the wall.

I am not sure if the cracking sound came from the wall, or whether it came from my head when I hit it against the wall again.

Pure white splashed across my vision on contact, and I could not control my body very well.

When I hit my head again, black splashed across my vision this time, and it did not go away.

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