After Dad dropped me off, I let myself into the small trailer.

I glanced around the empty living room, before heading down the hallway towards Mitch's bedroom.

I pushed the door open, peeking in.

The room was empty.

Maybe no one was home, and I was worried over nothing. I looked down the hallway and saw that the bathroom door was cracked open. The light was on. Someone was in there.

I strode forward slowly, before nudging the door open.

My heart made a painful beating feeling at the sight before me. Mitch was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. Deep lines had been shorn into his wrists, and were dripping with dark crimson.

Blood fell from his skin onto the tile, forming puddles next to the small razor blade.

He looked up at me with teary eyes, looking absolutely terrified.

A good friend would've sat at his side and consoled him. A good friend would've taken care of him.

I was not a good friend.

I was taken over by anger, fueled by fear. Fear that one of the few people in my life that mattered had tried to end his life.

I let out a few shallow breaths, overwhelmed. My vision began to blur, but I forced back tears.

"How could you do this? Wh—I don't—you were just gonna leave? How could you be so selfish?" I spat, nearly breaking down in tears. "Do you know how much that would hurt your family? How much it would hurt me?" I choked out the last part in a whisper, but the rest had been shouted.

Mitch looked absolutely terrified and destroyed.

"How would you like it I did something like this? If I just took my life away from you?" I spat heatedly. "Is that what you want, Mitch?" I shouted, feeling absolutely overwhelmed by rage.

Mitch was trembling now. "Scott, please stop," he choked out, just above a whisper.

The longer I stared at him, the harder reality set in. I gaped slightly, staring at him in awe.

I'd never seen Mitch look so scared before. And it was my fault.

"I—I didn't—I'm sorry, Mitch," I breathed out as I collapsed to my knees at his side. "I didn't mean to yell at you," I choked out as I reached for him.

"What the hell is going on?" Jessa demanded, hovering in the doorway.

Mitch shied away from my touch, still trembling.

"Mitch!" Jessa cried out.

I turned, looking up at her in horror. She became blurry as tears formed in my eyes.

My heart ached when Mitch choked out a sob. "I'm sorry," he choked out.

I threw myself forward, latching my arms around him. I buried my face into the warmth of his neck, letting myself break down.

"Scott, I need to get him to the hospital, please let go,"Jessa coaxed, squeezing my shoulder.

I felt absolutely horrified at the thought of letting him go. I didn't want to lose him. I couldn't let him go.

"Scott, let go!" Jessa scolded, pulling at me.

I just tightened my hold, clutching onto Mitch as if my life depended on it.

Mitch rested his head against mine, letting out watery breaths. "Scott...Scott I'm okay, you can let go," he murmured.

I sniffled, "Are you sure?" I croaked.

He nodded weakly, before resting his head back against mine. I squeezed my eyes shut as I hugged him just a little tighter, before slipping away.

I apologized to Mitch when he was in the hospital. I told him that I did not deserve his forgiveness, I had been awful to him. But he insisted otherwise. He apologized as well, even though he did not need to.

Before Dad came and picked me up, Mr. Grassi talked with me.

"You're Mitch's best friend, surely you know what caused this?"

I told him about Michael Turner, and how cruel he was to Mitch.

"Does he bully you too?" Mr. Grassi asked me, looking distraught.

I nodded, "Yes, but Mitch matters, I do not."

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