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I blinked a few times, trying to ignore the comment, before striding towards Zack. "What is wrong with you? Smoking, really?" I snapped, before yanking the joint out of his hand.

"Hey! Give that back, I was having fun!" He griped, lazily reaching for it.

I wanted desperately to tell these idiots to leave, but I could not send 6, under the influence teenagers off on their own.

"You told Dad you were at practice," I pointed out before yanking a joint away from another teenager who was too sluggish to fight back.

Zack scoffed, "You told Dad that you were coming home right after school. It's been an hour big bro," he pointed out in a cocky tone.

"I'm telling Dad when he gets home, and then we're flushing it," I declared.

"Hey man! I spent $40 on this shit, you better not throw it away," one of the boys demanded.

He was shorter than me, and intoxicated, so he was not a worry to me.

"Don't tell Dad!" Zack protested as he followed me towards the door.

"I have to, Zack! This is illegal, and you're killing your brain cells. You're better than this," I assured him, only turning back in his direction for a moment.

"If you tell Dad about this I'll tell him that you're fucking Flower Boy," Zack threatened boldly.

"Oooh, you and Flower Boy?" One of the girls exclaimed.

One of them chuckled obnoxiously, "I knew it!"

I glared at Zack angrily, knowing these idiots could spread it around the school like wildfire. "Don't call him that," I ordered in a low tone.

"You're not the boss of me," Zack challenged with a shrug.

"Shut up," I retorted. I did not want to lose my temper with him, but I did not know how to deal with this situation rationally.

He smirked, "You gonna make me, Freakazoid?"

I did not mean to shove him, and I did not mean to shove him as hard as I did. He stumbled backwards, hitting the desk chair, before collapsing over it onto the floor, hitting his head on the dresser on the way down.

I ended up giving the cannabis back to the teenagers, and leaving them in our room so I could drive Zack to the hospital. He had hit his head harder than I had realized and his skull had been cracked open.

There was a lot of blood, and he would not stop crying.

Guilt washed over when I had to explain to the nurse what had happened.

The hospital called both Mom and Dad, and both of them showed up. It was very hard not to cry when they yelled at me.

"Do you have no self-control?"

"Sometimes you just take things too far!"

"You could've killed him if you pushed him any harder!"

"What is wrong with you?"

I did not tell them about the cannabis. I just told them that I got angry, and that I pushed him.

I did not respond to any of their questions, I remained silent and forced back tears.

"You know they can get child protective services involved right? They could deem you unsafe for the household and have you sent away!" Dad rambled, "Is that what you want Scott? Do you want to be sent away?"

It became too hard to keep back the tears, and I let them fall. I sniffled before pulling my knees up to my chest, and hiding my face as I let more tears escape.

I did not have anyone to comfort me.    

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