Ninth grade. For real this time, ninth grade was the worst.

It was the first year of high school. The school was bigger, and I had a hard time remembering where all of my classes were.

I was late to school on the second day, because Dad's new girlfriend, Jennifer was late dropping us off.

I did not like Jennifer, and I refused to call her Jen like she wanted me to. She was nice, but something about her made me uncomfortable.

She treated Lauren and Zack very kindly, but she was weird with me. She talked to me like I was a child. And sometimes, she treated me like I was completely stupid.

I was not sure why she did this, but I did not like it.

Lindsay was in college now, so she couldn't drive us to school, and Dad had to work.

"I'm so sorry you guys, I didn't mean to make you late," Jennifer stated frantically as she pulled up to the high school.

"It's ok," Lauren stated as she opened the door of the passenger seat.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "No, it's not okay. Being late too many times gets—"

"Scott, shut up," Lauren hissed at me, taking me by surprise.

Jennifer cleared her throat, "Go on in Lauren, Scott and I are gonna have a talk," she declared.

I reached for the handle of the door to let myself out, "I have to get to class," I stated simply. Before I could wrap my fingers around the handle, the door clicked as it locked.

I turned my head in Jennifer's direction as I set my jaw slightly, in frustration.

Lauren gave a defeated sigh before giving a weak smile and closing the door.

Jennifer sighed as she unbuckled her seatbelt, before turning in her seat so she was awkwardly facing me.

"Let me out," I demanded, giving her a challenging look.

"Listen, Scott, your father told me that you're a little...different, but that gives you no right to be so disrespectful to me all of the time. I know, you're at a rough age, and having your parents split is hard, but I'm trying my best here," Jennifer rambled.

I shrugged, "I don't doubt that. It doesn't mean I have to like you," I pointed out simply.

She flared her nostrils angrily before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, "You don't have to like me, that's your choice, all I'm asking for is a little respect, ok?" she pleaded desperately.

I stared at her for a moment before looking back at the school, "I have to get to class," I repeated.

Jennifer stared at me, looking absolutely bewildered for a few more moments.

As soon as the door clicked, I opened it and climbed out of the car.

I got in trouble for being late to class, and that made me angry at Jennifer. I liked her even less now. 

I explained to Mitch what had happened.

He defended her and said that what I had said was very rude.

This made me want to be angry at Mitch as well, but I couldn't be angry at Mitch. Instead, I made sure to apologize to Jennifer after school that day.

She went to give me a hug, but I told her not totouch me. And then she went back to being mad at me. 

I did not apologize this time.

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