1. Somehow back in the Past:

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She waved her hand in the air, sigh languaging, "Hi Shouya!" And I waved back at her. "How are you?" "Fine....and you?" She pointed at me as she smiled. "I'm good....let's go to school" I signed her. She nodded her head and then we ran to school together laughing. I don't know what was wrong with me when we were kids, what I didn't see in her before. I should at least been somewhat nice sometimes instead of never. "Shouya!" She called in her voice. "Uh, yeah?" "Oh" she then apologized in sign language, saying that she shouldn't use her voice. "No no! It's okay!" I waved my hands side to side and then gave her 'ok' hand sign. "Your voice is actually cute," she turned around surprised while blushing. Then I found myself blushing too. "Uh! Sorry to make things awkward!" I sign languaged her, "I, I," then I frooze after stuttering. What could I tell her to ease the mood back to normal? I can't say it's the truth, because then it'll get embarrassing and I can't say it was a joke or that I didn't mean it, she'll just cry! Then after minutes of standing there speechless, I hand signaled her, "Let's go..." she continued staring confused at me throughout the whole walk to class.
We just went through the day, like any other day, and had our little moments of joking around too. When I got home, we waved goodbye to each other and I went inside and slipped out of my shoes. "I'm home," I would shout before going off into my bed. Then after a tiring day, I would just rest on my bed, and somehow get caught in sleeping. Sounds like my typical day, right? Well, today was strange.... instead of waking up late to my alarm clock and eating my breakfast on the way out, I heard a voice saying, "Wake up honey...." at first, I just ignore it. But then a second time it calls me. And then a third time! After that, I had my limit. I grumbled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see, my mom!? "Come on honey, I know you don't like to go to school and see, well, you know, but you have to go! Besides, you're friends are probably waiting for you," What? Someone I didn't like? Okay, maybe she's referring to Ueno, yeah, after what she did to Shouko, I don't really wanna talk to her anymore, even if she did help me get better that time when I fell saving Shouko. "Shouya!" "Yeah! I'm coming mom!" I ran across the floor into the kitchen, only to see my older sister, the age of a child! The age she was when I was in elementary! What's going on!? "Shouya, get your bookbag and come eat," then I turn to get it, but, find that it changed too. It changed to the gray bookbag I used to have! Something's definitely off today. Then later on, I walked to our old elementary school just in case to make sure there wasn't any misunderstanding. The teacher saw me and greetes me. "Good morning Mr. Ishida." "Uh, g-good morning..." I sat down as I watched the classroom around me. All the kids. All my friends. Everyone I knew was younger. Then that meant. "Oh, and Ishida," "Yes sir?" I responded. "Please respect Shouko today. I know you usually don't want to, but I beg you this time..." the teacher sighed tired. Then Shouko appeared through the door, and she was her younger self too! She had her short hair, red bookbag, shirt, and long skirt, even her little classic shoes! She was definitely her younger self! Then that means, "Good morning everyone!" She hand sighed happily. Somehow, time jumped back. Back to where we were kids. Back in the past. But why? Of all time periods, it had to be the one where not only Shouko suffered, but I did too....

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