5. A little phone crisis:

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"Hey Shoya," he turned to look at his serious mother while sweating a little. "Oh, hey mom! What's up?" "I tried to call you..." "Uh, what?" "You said you were gonna be late because of 'important business', right? Well, what type of important business was it?" Crap, he thought, I forgot! What should I tell her? "Um, I was, hanging out with someone..." "Who?" "Um...." "Shoya, If you tell me, you were bridge jumping with Shimada and Hiroso again, so HELP ME I'LL---!" "Easy mom! Sheesh!" She then looks at him untrusting and scans him for some wet spots. None. The boy was as dry as he's suppose to be most of the time. "*sigh*, Shoya, hon, where were you that you came home so late?" At first he hesitated about it, and then said, "The park, now if you'll excuse me," afterwards walking off to his bedroom. "Alright, fine, you don't have to answer completely, just a small detail then, but at least answer your phone the next time I call you, I'll worry If I hear nothing from you for too long," then after hearing about his phone, Shoya suddenly remembers it and starts padding his pockets. When he feels nothing, he looks down and starts checking them. Nothing! In both pockets too! "Mom!" Shoya ran from his bedroom to the kitchen, where his mother still was. "Yes sho?" "Ugh, you really need to stop calling me that💧..." "Sorry that's the only cute nickname I can think of for you...." "Wait," he calls her back, "Mom, we need to go back to the park, now," "The park? What?" "Yes yes yes, now please go start the car," he starts to push her out of the house. "Geez, okay, don't see why though, you already went once today," then after arriving, Shoya and Mrs. Ishida each went around with a flashlight, looking at different spots for it. Just when Shoya thought he lost it, he remembered something. "Wait a minute," he then remembered that after saving Shoko from falling from the monkey bars, his pocket felt strangely lighter. At first, he assumed it was just the sag of the pockets and ignored it, of course, until now he realizes that maybe he dropped his phone there. "Mom, follow me," he ran to the monkey bars looked around with his flashlight. Then he saw a strange hole in the spot where the phone was. Which means. "Mom! Someone stold my phone!?" "Are you for real Shoya!?" "Yes," "First, you carelessly dropped your phone while here earlier, and now that we come back for it, you say it's been stolen?" "Yes! Look!" She then looks at the hole spot as well, wondering who came so late in the day to come steal it. "Okay, that's actually weird," then Mrs. Ishida whipped out her phone and started to call the police. "Hello?" "Yes, officer?" "What's wrong?" "My child's phone has been stolen," "stolen?" "Yes, he dropped here in the park a few short hours ago and then when we came back to retrieve it, we found it missing from it's spot, even with a hole mark that proves someone took it." "Well, there's really nothing we can do about a missing phone," "Excuse me?" "We can't put up flyers because that'll be pointless and ridiculous, and then this can't go on the news either, the only missing report files that ever make the news is people, especially children or teenagers." "Okay, so what if those two options are out, do something else! It's already bad enough his shoes go missing!" "......shoes ma'am?....." "Yes.....do something....please...." "Ehh......sorry.....this doesn't seem to be something important or major for us," "What?" "I'm sorry ma'am, but the only thing we can suggest to you is to activate the phone/child locator  app to find it, there's really nothing we can do about a missing phone, goodbye," then the phone chimed after they hung up. "That's not a bad idea, but not a good one either, Shoya," she turned to him, "Tomorrow after school, you're going to come back here and look for it, got it?" "Why?" "Because I'm not paying another 5,000 yen for another phone," he then sighed and said tired, "Yes mom..."

The very next day.....

"Alright, is everyone here?" Asked the teacher. "Yes," they all moaned in a chorus, expect Nishimiya, who just smiled and nodded lightly. Then after a while of taking usual attendance, he told the class to hang in for a ehile until he's done working. Then shoko turns to Shoya and taps him. "Huh?" He turns to her, "What is it?" She reaches her pocket as one student sees her. "Huh? What's Nishimiya doing?" Then other students started looking and murmuring, which eventually lead to Shoya sweating and worrying. I hope she doesn't try and pull out a drawing or something cute and colorful on me, he thought to himself, that would be the last thing I need---


My phone.......

She has my phone!!!!!

The whole class gasped as she put her hand out, giving it to him. "Ooooo, Nishimiya stold Shoya's phone!" Then the class started to panick as that same kid blasted his mouth a loud again and this time got the teacher's attention. "What's going on here!? Geez!" "Nishimiya stold Shoya's phone!" "......what?....." "Seriously! Look!" Then he looks at her and she turns to him, scard and upset. She then shakes her head side to side, indicating, "No! I didn't!" And then started speaking in her squeaky voice again, "I-I was, giving, it back," then the whole class looked at her confused as the teacher smiled a bit in understanding and told her to proceed. "WHAT!? But she---!" "That's enough outta you! Sorry ms. Nishimiya, please continue," then she relaxed a bit more and smiled. Then she started sigh languaging him what happened yesterday and that when she saw Shoya dropped his phone, she went to go pick it up. "Whaaaaaat?" The whole class was staring at Shoya now. "Bro, you were at the park with Shoko?" "HUH!?" "I guess he was," "How else would she have gotten his phone?" Then kids started to talk as Shoya started to flush red in anger. When he finally hade enough of this nonsense, he slammed his hands on his desk hard enough to draw everybody's attention, "EVERYBODY SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!!" Then they all look at him surprised as he faces them with a mostly embarrassed, angry face, "Okay, so I was at the park, big deal, but I was just thinking of some daredevil ideas there, you know, since the ones that I usually do are starting to get boring within every repeat. Then by coincidence, did you hear that? Coincidence, know what that means? I happen to bump into Shoko. Then as usual, she was being her annoying self, okay?" Shoko kinda gasped quietly at that last statement while looking upset at him. "Then, she happen to get herself in a bad situation at wrong timing, which is where I decided to just be nice for once, and save her from a free fall. Then from there is probably when I dropped my phone and then this went on. And that's what happened." "Ooohhh...." the whole class came to realization with the 'truth' of what happened. The teacher though, was not dumb enough to fall for it like the rest, so instead of letting it be known, he just played along, "Is that so?" "Yes sir," "Alright then..." Shoya couldn't help but bang his head on his desk after saying all that. What the heck is wrong with me!? Seriously! Just yesterday I was laughing and smiling with her, and now today I'm acting completely---!.......Ugh....I don't even know how to describe this.....one thing's for sure though......upon a full pledge with my best friends and fans........

I'm not.....a tsundere......

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