10. Ferris Wheel:

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His cheeks started turning rosy on him just thinking about it. Then the both of them fell forward a little when the ride started. "S-Sorry...." then a few minutes later, they found themselves in mid-air as Shoko looked out the clear glass next to them amazed. She was smiling very happily, her brown eyes sparkling like dimonds, her cheeks a soft rosey flower pedal color. She couldn't look anymore beautiful to Shoya. Even the yellowish orange sky's sunshine made her look like a goddess. Shoya gulped and tried to calm down his inner excitement. Then Shoko looked at him curiously and asked, "what's wrong?" He looks up at her blushing. "Uhh, nothing! Just, thinking...." "About what?" "Nothing important," Shoko was actually a bit surprised at this and then said, "Oh, okay, nevermind  then..." "Uh?" He looks up at her, only to see a softly smiling Shoko. That's weird......she actually expected me to say something important? Shoya was really confused now. Back then. Even before this weird time rewind thing. When they were originally just children like this, just like Miki said, he made her life a living hell, now all of a sudden. It's the exact opposite. Now they're both happy, just like in those weird dreams they had after Shoya fell hard into the cement beneath the river from Shoko's apartment. The dreams where they actually understood each other. The dreams where they actually got close. Shoya felt his heartbeat increasing rapidly, but tried ignoring it at first. Shoko then taps Shoya and sigh languages, "Shoya.....I want to tell you something important...." he immediately jumped up startled at the statement and again, tried to hide his excitement and silence his rapid heartbeat. He looked up at her, blushing really bright on both cheeks, his eyes shaking a little out of nervousness. "Y-Yeah? I-I actually had something i-important to t-tell you too..." "Hm? Really?" "Y-Yeah," then they both looked at each other concerned/upset before Shoya decided to break off the silence, "you know what? How about you go first? I mean, ladies first, heh, right?" Shoko, still smiling, nodded her head side to side and pointed to him. "Are you sure you want me to go first?" She nodded up and down happily.  "W-Well...." he hides his blushing face as Shoko stares curious. Then Shoya lifts his head and looks at her with warm, loving eyes. "You know......at first.......
because I didn't take the time to get to know you better, I just used to shut you out and such, but now, all that's happened so far has made me realize something...." Her eyes go wide as excitement and hope spark in her. "You see.......maybe........I wanna be your friend, wait....nah......more than friends, maybe?" She looks at him warmly and then he slaps himself hard. What the heck am I doing!? Seriously, man up! "Shoko! What I'm trying to say is that I kinda learned to respect you, because your such a wonderful, kind-hearted girl, and you deserve to be respected and Lo----," Shoya freezes on that last part. So......I am in love with Shoko....aren't I? I mean, she is a pretty nice girl, memories start playing in his head, she was actually brave enough as a new kid to come to me and befriend  me. She even erased my desk when people wrote on it. No matter what, even her incredible beauty wasn't enough to describe what a pure angel she was, inside and out. That's why,
"Shoko! The reason why I care for you so much is because----! I---! I--!....
I love---! ////////" Then the ride suddenly stopped, throwing both of them forward into each other. They apologized at each other again and got off each other again. Shoko was really scared now, she panicked a little, looking outside to see what happened. Because she went, of course Shoya followed behind her and looked. The circuit box controling the Ferris Wheel went hayware with sparks and broke a fuse. "So that's why we're not moving..." then Shoya jumped a little when he felt something grab him. He looked down to see Shoko, trembling, blushing, crying, hugging him tightly. "Shoya....." she trembled in her squeaky voice, "......I-I'm scared......" *sigh*......how can you push off a cute, innocent girl like her in a time like this? She has rights to be scared, considering the fact that they're cart got stuck at the highest point of the Ferris wheel. Shoya looked at her warmingly, "It's okay Shoko....." they both sit down together, still hugging, "I'm here for you now.....I promise....." Then, after a while, Shoko's tremble calmed down a bit more, and Shoya started to smile bashfully. Then he closed his eyes and sank his head into her shoulder as she sank her head into his shoulder. Both of then were now in an adorable cuddle together, comforting one another. At least.......
Until a bright light flashed on the them and the two jumped up and screamed from being startled. "Hello?" A deep voice from below called. "Dude!" Shoya shouted back, blushing like never before, "Excuse you! N-Nothing is going on here, S-So,  put that light away! /////////💢" then the crew down below laughed heartedly while the guy with the huge flashlight just stared at the two kids, blushing heavily. "Oh my, um, *ahem*, excuse us, we're......just working on the control panel now, and........checking......on the passengers on board here too....so.....you'll be down soon....." "Hey Mike, why so sluggish with the words?" One of the crew members laughed. The flashlight guy only standed there, his face now burning completely red, tucking at his  collar. "I-I don't know, b-but it's not important...." the other crew members crack up even more when they figured out what the flashlight guy was thinking about. "G-Guys! K-Keep it down!" Shoko and Shoya just stares at the crew confused and blushing. Then Shoya face palms himself. Shoko turns to Shoya confused "Please tell me it's not what I think it is...."

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