9. Is it possible? is it alright?:

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To Shoya, liking someone if teasing or such felt wrong, even just in general. He can't possibly like Shoko, right? I'd just be a burden to her he thought to himself. Besides, even if that was the case, which it's not, why would she even like me? I tease her so much, but yet she smiles and still wants to be around me. I'm so confused. I'M SO CONFUSED! then he snaps out of his thoughts and stops. He looks back at Shoko, who just smiles at him. Then he becomes wide eyed and looks around embarrassed after feeling his rosy cheeks burning. "H-Huh, where do you want to go Shoko?" She looks around and then points to the same place Miyoko wanted to go with her. The Ferris Wheel. Shoya just stares at it in disbelief and fear. Then he accidentally snaps, "Why the Ferris Wheel!? Why not something else!?" Shoko looks at him confused. She sigh languages him, "Why not? It's fun for me," she smiled. Shoya was about to speak, but then remembered what happened on the Ferris wheel again.

"I...I don't hate you....I hate.....myself.."


I can't lose her again. I can't.


Shoya's heart was aching really badly at this rate. He still can't take in the fact that he almost lost Shoko. The one person he strangely feels is most important to him. But why? Why her? Is it because he feels bad for her? He doesn't care for that much, does he? Ugh, "THIS IS SO CONFUSING!!!" He shouted angry while holding his head up high. He attracted lots of attention from the crowd around him, who looked at him funny. He hangs his head slowly and sheepishly.
"S-Sorry..." then everybody goes back to doing what they were doing as Shoko smiles and taps Shoya. He looks at her, "Yeah?" She sigh languages him, "Can we, go together then?" It was silent for a moment before Shoya's face went red. "Ehhh!? Me!? With you!?" She nodded and continued smiling cutely. "Shoko, listen," he started to sigh language back at her so she understands, "I don't think you understand this, but, when a guy and girl are seen together on a Ferris wheel, people who look at them, well," Shoya tries to think of what to say, and then continues, "Normally if they see stuff like that, there's always one, easy conclusion they jump to, and it's that they're either dating, or----" "They like each other?" She finished for him in her squeaky voice. Shoya started to feel a little more relieved, "Oh, good, so now you understand," "But, don't we like each other?" He jolts straight up, smiling awkwardly, "What are you talking about!?" "If you're nice to a person, care for them, and hang out with them a lot, doesn't that mean you like them?" Shoya just stood there confused, his face completely burning up. Then after a while, he couldn't take it anymore. Smoke exploded from his burning, red face and he fainted. Shoko was really scard now. "Shoya!" She started lightly pushing him, hoping he'll wake up, but it was no use, he was completely unconscious. Few minutes later, they end up at the Ferris Wheel, Shoko glowing with happiness, Shoya hiding his red face from her and the crowd. After the line started moving, they were directed to go to the blue cart at the end. "Let's go..." he grabbed her arm and started kinda pulling her as rushed to get there. Then they buckled up and waited for the ride to turn on. Shoya was kinda getting bored so he decided to amuse himself for a while. He looked to left and saw a television screen at a stand, on the monster truck channel. "Oh yeah! Go monster trucks!" He threw his fist in the air happy while screaming this in a deep voice. Then he went back to his regular voice. "The Red gorilla is on the loose, making turns left and right, pushing other monster trucks out of the rally race. Huh? What's this? It appears a blue one is ganging up on that red one, and, AND....." BAM! The blue one hits the red one and they both accidentally go flying. "Ooooo! They both went flying and landed roughly! Looks like that's two more rookies outta race. Now a yellow one is taking the lead, doing flips and taking easy shortcuts, wait, is that last one even allowed?" A few minutes later, a whole group of monster trucks close in on the yellow one from behind. "Uh-oh, looks like the yellow one ain't got no place to turn now, what'll he do?" The yellow one then steps on the gas pedal in hopes of sliding left and loosing them, but misses the turn and goes spinning instead. Minutes later, he crashes violently near the off-end with every single monster truck that was behind him too. Then a green one is shown dashing by every injured truck, "And now we got one more folks, the last one standing against the others to be king kong of the Monster trucks! Will he make 'til the end?" The truck started doing high, and I mean, high jump flips and twists, impressing the audience. "Oh! He's almost there! Keep going Green Lagoon! You can make it!" Then the crowd started cheering the green truck on as he got very close to the finish line. Then at the last minute, a surprise purple truck comes in and crashes very hard into him! The two go flying across the finish line and then stop. Both trucks seemed done for. "Oh dang, no one saw this coming, how'll we decide the winner?" Then as everyone looks at the trucks concerned, footage of the last few seconds are shown in slow motion. "And, the winner is....." Shoya got interrupted by Shoko suddenly after she tugged on his sleeve. "Huh?" "We're about to fly into the sky" she sigh languaged while smiling. Aw man, watching that Monster truck show and narrating it must of made him completely forgot about the fact that they went on a Ferris wheel together. "Horray, let 'er rip!" He tried to smile too, but knew deep down, he was embarrassed as heck. Why did I let Shoko talk me into this!? I understand she likes Ferris Wheels for some reason, but, with a guy like me? She's okay to ride with me? How is she not embarrassed? Why am I panicking? It's stupid! The whole idea is stupid! He stomps his feet down hard. Then he rethinks a bit while blushing and clinging onto his heart with his left hand. Is any of this okay? I mean, I understand I'm trying to make up to her, but now I feel like I'm almost loosing my sanity with her......
why is that? Was Tomohiro right?

Am I...........

In love........with Shoko?...........

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